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  1. M

    Some timing questions

    this is probably frowned upon for what if situations but "what if" thestalos targetted how would things chain and resolve??? Sangan effect? thest effect, thest target? player responding and selecting that card as a discard? EDIT: im assuming it'll resolve like this card is...
  2. M

    Some timing questions

    so if opp tries to chain pwwb, he or she would lose their 2 cards in hand...... the second part of the question, regarding mobius....when does mobius target/select, and why does it differ in timing than thest (im assuming it is?)
  3. M

    Some timing questions

    these may be some easy questions, but i was just curious what would be the exact timing on this Player A is turn player, has sangan on the field and a thestalos in hand Player B has a set pwwb and 2 cards in hand Player A tributes sangan for thestalos Now what happens here? when does...
  4. M

    Timing Breakdown Questions

    yes we are still talking about battle destruction, even the decree part, but i guess decree is destroyed at a different point
  5. M

    Timing Breakdown Questions

    so then why does coth get destroye4d when jinoz is destroyed, isnt it being negated when jinoz is negated kinda like the decere scenario?
  6. M

    Skill drain

    thanks simon! but im wondering when does that protection kick in? when the monster is summoned? or..??
  7. M

    Skill drain

    Vehicroid Connection Zone VS Skill Drain for Jumobo Drill, what happens? does the spell of VCZ linger and proects the Jumbo drill ? or does skill drain negate it?? Skill drain in respsonse to mobuis, when you activate it responding to mobius's effect, it will negate it as long as mobius...
  8. M

    Timing Breakdown Questions

    so the CotH has like a memory in a sense? cuz if you tribbed with decree on, then MST it, call wont self destrut?
  9. M

    Timing Breakdown Questions

    sorry can you clarify that for me? at first ppl thought that call of the haunt wont be destryoed, because during Jinzo's destruction, its negating coth, so now.. im just curious and probably way off base what happens when Player A uses CoTH on card trooper Player B then PLAYS (not...
  10. M

    Timing Breakdown Questions

    so im guessing during zaborg's activation is where you select the target?? thats interesting trigger vs activation as for Call and jinzo, why would call stay on if jinzo get killed by lets say summoned skull?? i always played it ...wrong i guess.....i got rid of CoH when jinzo died...
  11. M

    Timing Breakdown Questions

    can you give some examples of what you are talking about with the mandatory and non mandaroty in the middle of a chian also what was that question with jinzo and call of haunt? if jinoz is destroyed in battle when he has call of the haunt equipped does call get destroyed? if not why?
  12. M

    Future Fusion

    i would say the sanme one would work bcuz it hasnt been summoned yet
  13. M

    skull lair

    so the final verdict is that it DOES NOT target?
  14. M

    skill drain

    if skill drain is on the field does justi break work if you have a monster on the field with skill drain on? and does ceasaefiure still inflict 500 for each effet monster? i fail to see justi break working, just cuz its an effect monster being negated, but does it make it normal??
  15. M

    Counter Counter

    i believe that the japanese version, has the counter trap on it, and that this is a misprint?
  16. M

    Counter Counter

    i believe that the japanese version, has the counter trap on it, and that this is a misprint?
  17. M

    skull lair

    why is this interesting, if it doesnt target and its a cost?
  18. M

    skull lair

    well what if u look at it when theres 2 level 4 monsters, and the opp chains BoM to one, will the other be destryoed accoridng to skull lair's wording?
  19. M

    skull lair

    yea the way its worded, is kinda similar to fissure or smashing ground
  20. M

    skull lair

    does skull lair target? this has probably been answered, but i cant find the answre anywhere..... or does it have a smashing ground/ fissure effect? so basically can skull lair target cyber phoenix?