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  1. R

    Test for all yugioh players !!

    Because I don't see how "least disadvantage" isn't an advantage of a choice. You go off to fight a battle. You choose your ground. No matter what, some of your men are going to die, and you're going to win despite that. You choose the ground with the most advantage by deciding which one will...
  2. R

    Test for all yugioh players !!

    I love a good argument (and people know I love a good argument), but masterwoo0 is a liar. Lying to himself or lying to others about what he thinks. You're trying to get around on technicalities and pretending that, since you're going to lose either way, there is no gain in either choice...
  3. R

    Test for all yugioh players !!

    You are a liar. I'm sick of pretending otherwise. You say that a player doesn't gain anything by conceding in the face of Victory Dragon and that's pure BS. If there is no advantage, then THERE IS NO REASON TO CONCEDE. Yet YOU YOURSELF imply several times that you would ALWAYS concede in the...
  4. R


    I said it was a vague distinction. Monsters can have "priority", but it would have to be defined differently: Monster's priority is the ability to use its effect during its own summon response chain. I don't believe there's any situation where the context couldn't tell you which priority...
  5. R

    What's the Point?

    People like having big postcounts. It makes them feel superior to those without.
  6. R

    What's the Point?

    Well, images and off-page scripts.
  7. R


    No, I don't believe that was any of my points. Actions like Normal Summoning, which do not go on chain, can't be done in a response chain, and in particular, can't be done in a summon response chain. Actually, you would have the priority anyway, if you summoned, say, a monster with no effect...
  8. R


    Well, before people start chasing after you with signs saying "MONSTERS DON'T HAVE PRIORITY PLAYERS DO" (which, in my opinion, is a pretty stupid and vague distinction), I'd like to point out that you didn't say anything that would strongly imply that monsters have priority. Anyway, if an...
  9. R

    What's the Point?

    I'd say it's more of a suspicion that the post is just an obvious +1 postcount.
  10. R

    Need Geometry help.

    This sounds suspiciously like homework. Or extra credit. Anyway, you wouldn't need to fill the whole space with balloons, and I doubt it's possible to do so.
  11. R

    What's the Point?

    People get confused when one person stops talking and one person starts talking again.
  12. R

    Some riddle

    How similar? Many riddles of this sort are used to develop a sense of logic.
  13. R

    Woman's Death After Water-Drinking Contest Investigated

    If they were given salty crackers, she'd probably have been okay.
  14. R

    Tech question

    I don't know much about computers being used as a throughway, but the Xbox probably should not get any address from the router. Shouldn't even see it. Using Network Connections? The gateway is the IP of the router relative to the computer, which the router defines, usually. You can probably fix...
  15. R

    Female Duelists who will win?

    Why do the female duelists have to be set aside from the male duelists in order for there to be a female victor? Why must they be segregated from the male duelists as if gender was a clear line in the style of the duelists? Why remind us that there even exist female duelists? <_<
  16. R

    Digital Jedi's Videos of the Week

    Is violence appropriate? Have you seen the Yugioh Abridged Series? Accept no imitators!
  17. R

    toon table + gather your mind

    Ask a mod to do it. That's a rather strange ruling. I'm willing to see it as a sign of a rule change.
  18. R

    toon table + gather your mind

    You can still use them and you would still search your deck for relevant cards. What do you mean by "dead"?
  19. R

    christmas riddle worth 25k COG points

    I'm pretty sure it doesn't hang on a wall.
  20. R

    christmas riddle worth 25k COG points

    Here's one: What's green, hangs on a wall, and whistles? No points for anyone!