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  1. B

    Shonen Jump July 15th Arlington Texas!!

    I would most likely not be on the judge team for this event "” all things being equal. We'll see what Jim has to say about that once the time comes.
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    Shonen Jump July 15th Arlington Texas!!

    I might have to come out for this one too. ;)
  3. B

    upperdeck versus tournament organizers

    "Upper Deck" has several different "UD..." companies. Upper Deck Entertainment and Upper Deck International (or Upper Deck Europe BV) are just two of them. These are separate business entities of the same company (it's a bit more technical than that, but that's the basics without confusing...
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    Pump up the Vocabulary

    A accismus n. - rhetorical device of pretending to refuse. acclivity n. - slope upward. acclivitous, acclivous, adj. accolent adj. - neighbouring. accouchement n. - childbirth. accoucheur, accoucheuse, n. male and female midwife respectively accrementition n. - Biology growth by addition of...
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    Pump up the Vocabulary

    A acaulescent adj. - lacking a stem. accensor n. - Roman Catholic, acolyte. acceptilation n. - the settlement of a debt without payment accessit n. - honourable mention of one who comes nearest to a prize. acciaccatura n. - Music, very short note played before a longer note; short appoggiatura.
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    Pump up the Vocabulary

    A acaricide n. - substance killing mites. acaricidal, adj. acarpous adj. - Botany, not yielding fruit. acatalepsy n. - state of being impossible to understand; Philosophy, sceptic doctrine that knowledge cannot be certain. acataleptic, adj. acataleptic adj. - incomprehensible acaudate adj. -...
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    Pump up the Vocabulary

    A absquatulate v. - to leave hurriedly, suddenly, or secretly abstersive adv. - serving to cleanse or purge acalculia n. - the inability to work with numbers acapnotic n. - person who doesn't smoke acariasis n. - infestation with mites or ticks; the itch.
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    Pump up the Vocabulary

    A abderian adj. - pertaining to foolish or excessive laughter abdominous adj. - having or pertaining to a distended stomach abliguration n. - extravagance in cooking and serving ablutomania n. - a mania for washing oneself abscissin n. - hormone which triggers the fall of autumn leaves in...
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    Pump up the Vocabulary

    A a mensa et thoro adj. - 'from table and bed'; applied to judicial separation of husband and wife. a outrance phr. - 'to the utmost'; to the death. ab initio phr. - from the beginning; from the very start or outset ab irato phr. - from an angry man: hence, not to be taken too seriously ab ovo...
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    can someone explain this to me?

    Are you serious? We're talking about UDE here.
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    can someone explain this to me?

    You will notice this same kind of thing at the end of this page:
  12. B

    can someone explain this to me?

    Actually, it's most likely just a template for those pages that's put aside.
  13. B

    Pump up the Vocabulary

    A a cheval phr. - 'on horseback'; astride; straddling. a corps perdu phr. - 'with lost body'; impetuously; in desperation. a fond phr. - 'to the bottom'; thoroughly. a la belle étoile phr. - 'under the beautiful star'; in the open air at night. a la mort phr. - 'to the death'; mortally.
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    Pump up the Vocabulary

    Five new words/phrases every day will be posted here. Note: Mods, this is a closed thread and not a discussion thread.
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    Make up your own card!!!!!!

    I should mention that, yes, that is my artwork and, yes, that is me. And I have a whole series of these, but I can't seem to find the rest at the moment.
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    Make up your own card!!!!!!

    On second thought, this might not be a great idea to post. So I'll delete here in a bit. LOL!
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    Make up your own card!!!!!!

    Oooo ... A VS Make your own Card thread. Be back in a couple of hours with mine. :broken_je
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    New Netrep site look

    That's not OUR goof. That's UDE's goof. Remember, we provide the official rulings AS IS, without correction or change. We DO NOT alter the rulings in any way so that we are not accused of changing rulings or providing false information.
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    At some point in the future, once we have perfected a couple of our technological wonders (*cough*i-node2.0*cough*), I'm sure that Alex will be working on having our Oracle database work wonders around here in the way of auto-linking.
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    What Rares, UR, and SR were in Dark Crisis?

    The RONINâ„¢ checklist feature is what Pojo was using for a while until we asked them to just put a tiny line at the bottom that gave credit for their use of our technology to make those checklists. They refused and went with less than average checklists that I suspect they received from Kevin...