9/1 Ban list in Japan

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Someone posted something earlier about Mirror Wall... I think it was DJ? Well, props to whoever that is. I recently started using it and I rather like it, you know? It's fun to use to do battle damage and etc., since most monsters will be terribly weakened by it.

And hey, no need to pay for it next turn if you don't want it, right?
blade146 said:
With this list I see cyber-mill decks running everywhere. The only loss is BoM and that isn't needed. Looks like everyone will need to side in 3 Neko Mane Kings to counter it. Not to mention the kitty deck getting a boost with Mirror Force gone and Dark Hole back. OTKs makes a come back if this list stays.
I really doubt that Cyber Mill will be as effective as before. People hopefully will catch on to side Solemn Judgment and Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell some more. Those cards I feel will get sided a lot more. Solemn Judgment already sees a pretty large amount of play in Side Boards already. After all, when they use The Shallow Grave they're going to be getting back Cyber Jar anyway so you can predict that. Thus negate it.

As for finding new discard replacements, I wouldn't really bother. They don't really hold up in decks with these lists. So I wouldn't bother using them.

Now for you guys saying that Threatening Roar and Waboku will see more play. I REALLY doubt that. Sakuretsu Armor is far more superior than both of them and wasn't touched from the lists. So why believe that they'll see more play when you have mini-Mirror Force available? I mean, I see Magic Drain possibly seeing more play than Waboku and Threatening Roar. It's more counter-productive against your opponent and can kill valuable spell cards for card effects of Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell, Chiron the Mage, and some other unique spell cards.

You have to look at it in a more broad approach to what the public is going to seek after. If they want removal they'll use it. If they want to counter their opponent's actions they'll use negation and chainable cards. I see Compulsory Evacuation Device being more of an asset from a strategical point of view than Threatening Roar and Waboku.

Although, using Waboku with Asure Priest in combination with After the Struggle is ok.

Also you have to consider the fact that Messenger of Peace will be teched into decks such as Beatdowns for added defense because of Scapegoat being limited and such.

What I'd like to point out that I read while in college today (currently in the library...xD T3 connection, can't pass that up people!) was a Dark Realms review on DMcomet that they made for them. Some of there thoughts are accurate, but from the way I look at how the Dark Realms cards can be fully abused, I wouldn't be scared of Royal Oppression or Bottomless Trap Hole in the least. First off, Royal Oppression is a continuous trap card and I can chain Dust Tornado and Mystical Space Typhoon to it (I was hoping for Typhoon to be Semi-Limited, one can only wish!) and it's effect would be blown away. As far as Bottomless Trap Hole is concerned, people that I've seen so far have been Side Boarding Bottomless Trap Hole more than they have been Main Boarding it. Why? It's a more effective Side Board card than it is a Main Board card. Perhaps it was because of the large abuse of BLS and Chaos decks running around.

What I hate is the fact that United We Stand is still in the mix. I would rather see Mage Power stand alone because those two cards in the same deck can be very destructive.

Another thing we probably will see is Kinetic Soldier getting some more Side Board use. Of course, King Tiger Wanghu will remain superior to him in many ways because it can stop Swarming of low attack monsters as well as stop the majority of a Zombie deck.

Pyramid Turtle
Spirit Reaper
Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower

Don't forget how many warriors it will stop from being summoned onto the field.

Marauding Captain
Mataza the Zapper
Command Knight
D. D. Warrior Lady
Hayabusa Knight

Another thing we might see is an increase of Skill Drain being used. Skill Drain with Cyber Dragon is a pretty deadly combo as you can get two monsters out in the same turn with very little effort. If you accomplish this task you can easily cripple your opponent by half or at least a fourth of their life points.

Some cards I would love to see be Semi-Limited just because they've had so much use and yes, these selections are in way personal picks. (I'm still ranting like a stupid freak right? Good...at least someone WILL notice me..)

Magician of Faith
Wave-Motion Cannon
Mystical Space Typhoon
D. D. Assailant
Sangan (to help speed up decks in general)

So.....that's my large motha post for the moment. Hope you enjoyed it! 8^)
Ok, thanks for clearing that up for me. I've had a long day. =O

Anyway, the point I was making is still valid. Why use a card when you can use another to eliminate the threat complete or for a while? Waboku just nulls Battle Damage, I rather kill their monster and force them to waste Premature Burial, Call of the Haunted, Question, etc..
krazykidpsx said:
thats correct, i was talking about using 2x sakuretsu with 1x Mirror Wall.

but thats not the case, i finally understood why TER both and Meta Got restricted.

it involves and insane use of Monster Recovery when TER is about to die.

I'd think it would have more to do with how abusable TER is with both Book of Moon and Metamorph, although I really wish they would have left Metamorph unrestricted and just gone with restricting Book of Moon and TER.

I've run my opponents full field of monsters out in 1 round with TER effect, Book of Moon, flip summon and TER effect again, Metamorph, TER effect again, Metamorph, TER effect again then finally attack the last remaining monster.

TER can be a real problem if you aren't prepared for it, I'm happy to see it restricted (it honestly should have been a fusion summon only in my opinion, just too easy to abuse).

Metamorph can be a really good card and outside of the TER abuse shouldn't have been in need of restricting as it can be risky since you tribute the monster for cost and risked getting negated (not a big deal with Sinister Serpent or a goat).
Thousand-Eyes Restrict was more of a bother to get out IMO. I mean, you negate the Metamorphosis with something like Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell or Magic Drain it and they lose more cards than they should have originally. I've Magic Drained someone's Airknight that was going to bring out a Fusion, naturally being the player that doesn't care what Fusion it is, I Magic Drained the Metamorphosis and they ended up losing a ton of deck resources. Airknight Parshath is a Tribute monster, right there that's technically two cards. Then add Metamorphosis and the card they discard to negate my Magic Drain. That's a total of four cards to get out one monster. (Plus I hate fusions anyway, even Cyber End Dragon...)

Fusions aren't that powerful after the combo is over with. And if someone does that TER combo just to whip out my field I'll gladly accept it while they waste their hand on me. Since with these lists, the game is going to be about managing your deck resources and hand options. If you eliminate your opponent's options as much as possible through cards like Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell, Magic Drain, Royal Decree, etc.. it will give you a dramatic advantage over whoever you're playing.

I'm just glad they didn't unban the two of the most powerful hand discarding cards. Mirage of Nightmare and Painful Choice. Why? Because it dumps valuable cards into the Graveyard for Dark Realms. They simply say Discard from effect and Painful Choice does just that. Mirage of Nightmare is just obvious with all the retarded abuse combos you can use with it in multiple decks. Such as Exodia, Fiend, Chaos (what's left of it anyway), Warrior, Zombie, Dark Realms, Hand-Control (with Forced Requisition) and other possible cards. So be greatful that those still being banned. If they do become unbanned from UDE and Konami debating what our list will be, then pray they don't unban either of those because that just gives a boost to too many decks and too powerful of one.
if not for dark realms, then thouse stupid swarm decks would become rampant and become Tier 1.

at the moment, DR isnt that great, Cyber Chaos toples it over.

but after its a whole different story.

ill put up todays build soon. :)
I think wave motion cannon should see a place on the limited list also. And Magician of Faith. These are two very abused cards. I think this list is ok though, and will at least make some people have to come up with a new deck idea. Skill Drain just got 2 new monsters in CRV, and like everyone else is saying, dark realms gets what it needs in ELE (or EEN,whatever). I need to start working on a new deck, I think I might try some direct damage deck.......maybe.
You know what I personally find rather amazing?

Many of the abused cards that are being mentioned were cards that I considered building decks around when I started the game, and I was always discouraged from trying to do with them what everyone is doing with them now. So I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to do what I want with whatever deck ideas I have no matter what anyone tells me, and no matter how "ineffective" or how regardless if I "won't win any tournaments" with them.

people do things that is good for themselves. It might have been some of these people later realized that these cards were good for these purposes, and didn't want to give you the credit. I use RFtDD even though everyone tells me it is a horrible card. Then when I am playing against them, and they use Mirror Force or Ring, I go "RFtDD Jinzo and Zaborg, Jinzo Negates _(fill in with your favorite trap card)_, keep attacking for game, hahahahahaha" Sure it is quite conditional, but it has won me more games than it has lost me I can say. Even in games I don't use it it served as a discard or as something for my opponent to waste an MST on. Trust your own judgement.
The basic fact seems to be is that some people won't be able to figure out how to use the non banned cards to their favor. Yeah Graceful will be gone but there are other ways to get cards into your grave so you can use your CoH or Premature. Some people will be left in the dust while others will excel with the new list, it the nature of all games. It's just like taking a pro football player from the 1960's and put them in todays game. They would be lost. The game is faster now and players are better conditioned. The rules have changed with the game. Same thing here. If you can't adjust for the changes for the Advanced game, them play traditional, no one here will look down at you for it.
I think that one of the things people forget is that it's not the deck that makes the player, it's the player who makes the deck. You could give me a Last Turn deck or a burn deck and if I didn't have a clue on how to play them, I'll end up getting my butt handed to me. Yeah, I like Zombie decks, that doesn't mean that I can't beat someone who plays a mill deck. I just have to know how to play my deck to it's full potential and how to build it to get the maximun results. Some of the cards that are banned are great cards but they don't totally make or break the game. I feel that it's really the skill of the duelist that counts, not what the built.
well i think there are cards that should be banned, like the jars, mainly morhping,which can give you a potential +5 on the opponent.
Cyber stein decks are somewhat scary as well......

I really dont think sinister should be banned.
Yes its a great card, but its not such a force like BLS, hitting u for an unbelieveable amount of lifepoints.

Why not ban Sangan instead? Sangan is annoying to fight against, and dont really want to waste a Mirror Force or ring on it. And if Sangan is banned, there are virtually no way in retreiving sinister, and if ppl plan to use Raigeki Breaks, vortex etc..... assuming that their sinister can save them, then they are doomed for potential bad draws, of 2 Raigeki Breaks, vortex, all in the same hand.

sinister is not so much an offensive force, its more defensive, and comboed with, and with Metamorphosis restricted to one.... its not so bad....

i mean played with my sinister trying to fight off chaoses everywhere, sinister ensures a card in your hand, but its nothing when u havve to fight bls, or now the unrestricted v lords, which Book of Life it out anyways.....

once again why not have Sangan banned, and cards, like abyss, TIV,Raigeki Breaks, and vortex, will be cards ppl will be risking to use?
In some of my later decks or maybe even my current one, I would probably use a trap lineup similar to this as a first version template while testing.

3 Sakuretsu Armor
1 Ceasefire
1 Dust Tornado
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Torrential Tribute

Or possibly this.

2 Sakuretsu Armor
2 Dust Tornado
1 Ceasefire
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Torrential Tribute

There's a lot of combinations for me to choose from. I'd even double up a Sakuretsu Armor and Dust Tornado for just a plain old Raigeki Break. I'm not afraid of discard costs with Sinister banned and Night Assailant to one. I never used them with discard effects before and I don't plan on doing it now. The key is to manage your discards. In my current deck I have two Dark Magician and (well before I lost it) a Jinzo. On top of that it can help ditch Spell Cards for my Magician of Faith's effect to recurse the card in my hand. So Discard isn't THAT bad. You just have to keep an open mind about it.

Also, Ceasefire probably will be hit up as one of the more staplish Traps. Since the damage of Ring of Destruction is gone, Ceasefire is going to see as a replacement card for at least the damage aspect. Like the example with Return from the Different Dimension, I used Magic Drain against some of the players in my area (mostly cause I know they'll discard which is what I want them to do) and people online say to take it out. Obviously, I test it out first and then come to a decision that most online people that look at my decks have no clue what they truely are looking at. It's like trying to walk around in a pitch black room with a bag over your head so you breath heavy. (Not that I know what that's like. xD)

I wouldn't mind seeing some cards that were normally limited to be semi-limited. (Ok, this example you guys probably will not like...but I do..) Semi-Limiting Injection Fairy Lily. (I'll wait until your down swinging your clubs of hate...) Why? You pay 2000 life for a 3000 attack boost. If you don't like Lily that much just use Sakuretsu Armor and King Tiger Wanghu in your deck. Not really that hard to stop Lily in the first place. Why it's limited really is a stupid reason. "Because you can increase your monster by 3000 attack!" True, but if you attack directly with it you aren't doing more than 1400 damage. So why bother? Seems more counter-productive than anything else. However, I'll admit I've never actually used one. I just don't like the effect that much. If I use something like Don Zaloog and attack directly for 1400 I get to pick between two lovely effects. Much more benefitical to me. B^)

What I don't like is how they didn't even touch Ben Kai decks. (Pretty sure Taiwan used one at Worlds..) So Warriors have 3 El Captians to draw from which helps with the swarm aspect of getting Ben Kai or support warriors on the field. I REALLY hate this idea...I might want to build a Ben Kai deck just for fun, but I really don't want to sit there and just own someone with a little sick and twisted monster that everyone first overlooked at the preview and did for a couple months aftewards.

Now here's a noble thought, how about Limiting D. D. Assailant to one. Why? Because it's used much the same way as D. D. Warrior Lady. It's both an offensive and defensive card. You can control your opponent's monster attacks with it and that's a huge plus IMO.
D.D. Assailant isn't as infinitely searchable as the Lady. Also not as flexible since he has to die to activate you can't remove your opponent's Spirit Reaper or Sinister Serpent. Possibly semi but I just don't think it is that big a threat.

I'll miss Serpent more because it is one more card I can't count on my opponent having. The more staples in the game the easier it is to play a deck that abuses that. Before the bans you were pretty much guaranteed that your opponent would be using spells for S/T removal (other than the 1 Breaker) which made it simple to counter with Judgment of Anubis to protect your back field. Now you have Storm, Mobius, Dust Tornados, and Raigeki Break, with no guarantee that what you have set will counter what is coming.

My Mystic Swordsman LV6 and Mystical Knight of Jackal will both miss the near Yata lock pain of pounding that Serpent back to the top of the deck as my opponent looks at me with hatred in his eyes. I actually like the ban list just because I get an opportunity to go up against something else for a change. It gets rather boring dueling the same deck over and over again (even if it is fun to always win).

I think I'll really miss the Book of Moons for dealing with Ben Kei, always sweet to have a 1 for 3 or 4 tradeoff. Now it'll be chancier as Decree is finally coming out in a structure and Compulsory is one of the better defenses again Ben I might have to go back to main decking an Offerings or two.
anthonyj said:
I'll miss Serpent more because it is one more card I can't count on my opponent having. The more staples in the game the easier it is to play a deck that abuses that. Before the bans you were pretty much guaranteed that your opponent would be using spells for S/T removal (other than the 1 Breaker) which made it simple to counter with Judgment of Anubis to protect your back field. Now you have Storm, Mobius, Dust Tornados, and Raigeki Break, with no guarantee that what you have set will counter what is coming.
This is why I deck the often pricy (in the game) Solemn Judgement, pretty much negates anything out there.
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