Deck Dev


New Member
please tell me this is correct. crossout on face down vampire lord. op chains deck dev virus. i chain compulsory evac. deck dev now does not resolve? and can deck dev be used on cards like fusilier while face down?
Dillie-O said:
An interesting little tidbit to consider. I pulled this from another forum I was in regarding this issue and it was rather recent...

I asked Kevin Tewart about this at SJ Long Beach and he said it checks the ATK of the card in the graveyard. He told me Fusilier always works, while TER never does.

So does that mean I've been playing things wrong when I've used my trumped up Goblin Kings or my Dark Jeroid with an Axe of Despair equipped to it as tribute for DDV?
Playing what wrong? "Deck Devastation Virus"? "Shining Flame/Flare Wingman"? What?
The quote from Kevin is either out of context or he is as far off in left-field as he was at one point about Priority and activating Normal Spell cards after a summon. The cost for activating Deck Devastation Virus is a 2000+ monster on the field. TER may certainly be used when he has sucked up a 2000+ monster (or is otherwise pumped up). And Fusilier won't be usable when set face-down without tribute as you (the person activating Deck Devastation Virus) know that he is only 1400 ATK and thus does not satisfy the cost.
Yeah, somebody else had chimed in and mentioned the activation cost part of things, which seems to imply that you can tribute a face up monster with an ATK of 2000 or higher, or a face down monster, provided that when the card hits the graveyard its ATK is 2000 or greater since that is when the game "check" to make sure the cost is valid.

VERY LOOSE interpretation going on here. Just had to comment.
The legality of the cost the checked prior to paying it in this case.

A face down that is tributed is not checked "in the Graveyard" that is a bit of a misconception.