Exiled Force + Soul Exchange



This time i think i have a kick butt combo even w/ all the wording being right.

If your opponent has 2 or 3 mon on field, you play soul exchange. Pick the one oyu want gone the most. Then summon Exiled Force. Instead of X force being destroyed, the monster you picked can be. Then you also get to pick another monster to destroy. If they had a 3rd mon, just trib the X force again. You can also use Soul Exchange again to totally clear the field.

Fun combo No ^_^!!!!!

My friend posted that at a different site, would that work?
Bumping this thread just to make sure I hadn't missed something, but did we ever get clarification on this?

When "Soul Exchange" resolves it sets up a condition by which, during that turn, when the player that activated "Soul Exchange" would Tribute a monster, they can Tribute the targeted monster instead.
-Curtis Schultz

So Soul Exchange is by my interpretaion of that, optional.

But did we recieve clarification that if Soul Exchange can redirect the tribute for Exiled, then if you choose not to use the selected monster for tribute, you've bypassed your opportunity to use Soul Exchange's effect for the turn? In addition, if the tribute can be redirected this way, then you could tribute the selected monster (with no effect for Exiled) but still be able to tribute Exiled for its effect against another monster. Effectively clearing the opponent's field of two monsters that turn.

Man I'm tired.
1) No, you don't. "Soul Exchange sets up a condition where the very next time you go to tribute a monster you can tribute the selected monster in it's place." Almost a direct quote there. It's comparable to Last Will where the very next time a monster dies the lingering effect takes effect.

2)Yes, you can.
PerfectZelgadis said:
Question 2:
Can you activate Soul Exchange to use Metamorphosis?

This came up on the judge's list the other day and I found it quite interesting and surprising. This is a partial from that question...


2. My opponent has "Apprentice Magician" face down on the field and nothing else. It is my turn, I activate Soul Exchange targeting opponent's face down "Apprentice Magician" and then I activate "Metamorphosis". Since there is no level 2 fusion what would happen to "Apprentice Magician" and "Metamorphosis"


2. In this scenario, the face-down "Apprentice Magician" is Tributed as an activation cost of "Metamorphosis", then its Level is checked since it enters the Graveyard face-up. Then, "Metamorphosis"'s effect Disappears since no Level 2 Fusion Monsters currently exist.

Steve Okegawa
Official UDE Netrep Rules Coordinator Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG steve_okegawa@netrep.net
Hmm. that is interesting. Im glad to know that for certain, because the issue has been bugging me since yesterday. Daefinitely makes Soul Exchange more powerful than I had first considered.

Now: Does Apprentice Magician still count as the use of Soul Exchange's effect, even though the effect of Metamorphasis didn't resolve properly? Im thinking yes, but want to confirm.

edit: ugh! I just caught your last question, John. Umm...nova?!

My personal opinion? Dont summon Exiled for its effect before you use up Soul Exchange's effect.:p
John Danker said:
Out of curiosity my question is if a player were to activate Soul Exchange, then summon Exhiled Force and use it's effect (we already know that Soul Exchange's effect can't be used with Exhiled Force) since the condition was met where a monster was tributed would Soul Exchange's effect dissapear? I can only assume so.
I'm also curious on the Exiled scenario as well. It was never actually specific as to what other monster was on the field.

If both players had Exiled face-up, would you do able to substitute? The post by Curtis does not address this because the question did not ask this specifically.

However, i'm pretty sure Soul Exchange is completely optional John. To compare it to Last Will is, in my opinion, not a good comparision.

Why you ask? Because Last Will's effect is a Trigger, Soul Exchange is not and seems like a complete manual choice.
John Danker said:
This came up on the judge's list the other day and I found it quite interesting and surprising. This is a partial from that question...


2. My opponent has "Apprentice Magician" face down on the field and nothing else. It is my turn, I activate Soul Exchange targeting opponent's face down "Apprentice Magician" and then I activate "Metamorphosis". Since there is no level 2 fusion what would happen to "Apprentice Magician" and "Metamorphosis"


2. In this scenario, the face-down "Apprentice Magician" is Tributed as an activation cost of "Metamorphosis", then its Level is checked since it enters the Graveyard face-up. Then, "Metamorphosis"'s effect Disappears since no Level 2 Fusion Monsters currently exist.

Steve Okegawa
Official UDE Netrepâ„¢ Rules Coordinator Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG steve_okegawa@netrep.net
You know from this question I gleen exactly the opposite with regards to Exiled. It seems to me that if Soul Exchange has resolved this turn and you go to tribute Exiled Force that you can infact redirect it to the selected monster (even though you wont get the effect)

Now as far as two Exileds goes, the redirection notwithstanding, I would think you still wouldn't get the effect.
Yeah, I would think that you could still tribute a monster selected by Soul Exchange for Exiled Force, just not to destroy another monster after it has been tributed.

You select your opponents "Black Luster Soldier" (which one is it, WHICH ONE??!!!! LOL), then instead of tributing Exiled, you tribute BLS just to remove him from the field.

Then, you turn around and actually tribute Exiled for his real effect since you have already fulfilled Soul Exchange's effect.

It's very similar to The Creator of this thread's post, but I think the heart of the initial ruling on Exiled Force vs Soul Exchange is that you cannot Tribute for Exiled's "effect" of destroying a monster, but I dont see why you can't just "tribute" the "cost" to remove the actual monster you selected.....
masterwoo0 said:
Yeah, I would think that you could still tribute a monster selected by Soul Exchange for Exiled Force, just not to destroy another monster after it has been tributed.
Exiled Force says "Tribute this face-up card." You can not substitute another card for it.


Can Soul Exchange be used to substitute a card for the Tribute in Saturn's effect?

I ask this because the effect reads, "...by offering this card as a Tribute" and
not "...by offering a card as a Tribute". Does it matter?

Bill Belton
Level 1 Judge


"Soul Exchange" cannot be used in this way.

Just like you cannot use it Tribute an opponent's monster instead of
your "Exiled Force."

Curtis Schultz
Official UDE Netrepâ„¢
I already posted that info here, concerning Curtis' ruling, Ancient, so there's no need to repost it for my sake.

All I was saying is, Curtis' ruling is more about the "Effect" than it is about just tributing a card.

We are not trying to use "Griggle" as a substitue to destroy Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys. We are just trying to tribute "Griggle" to get rid of our opponents "Griggle" so he has that one less monster.

"Tribute this face-up monster...." means tribute Exiled for EXILED's effect.

Which brings up an interesting point... If I select my opponents Griggle, does he get the 3000 life points when I tribute it?
ancient_duelist said:
Exiled Force says "Tribute this face-up card." You can not substitute another card for it.

Double check some of our posts and you'll notice that we are fully aware of this.

The debate is whether or not Soul Exchange can redirect the tribute. If it can, then you would be able to tribute the selected monster, with no effect for Exiled Force. Then you could tribute Exlied Force for it's effect to destroy a monster, effectivly clearing the field of two. Thats one possibility.

A second, is if Soul Exchange cannot redirect the Tribute, is the effect of Soul Exchange burnt for that turn? Remember if you can tribute something after Soul Exchange resolves then the very next thing you try and tribute must be the selected monster. If you choose not too, then you can't use the effect again that turn.

And a third possibility is that Soul Exchange bypasses Exiled Force and its tribute requirement all together. The simplest, and least likely of the three.