last will and errata

I am pretty sure I saw a discussion somewhere talking about this :

Last Will
(Tournament Pack 7, Starter Decks: Yugi, Yugi Evolution)
If a monster on your side of the field was sent to your Graveyard this turn, you can Special Summon 1 monster with an ATK of 1500 points or less from your Deck once during this turn. Then shuffle your Deck.

Has there been a change where you can play Last Will after the fact. I had always thought Last Will had to be activated before a monster was sent from the field. I am hearing other judges that worked Shonen Jumo Baltimore say it was allowed to be played after the fact there.


Player A summons a monster and attacks. Player B plays Sak Armor. Player A activates Last Will and then summons a Reaper in defense.

This seems so broken. Can someone shed some light on this for me.

slither said:
Is Return from a Different Dimension considered a lingering effect?
Yes it is, monsters summoned will always be removed from play regardless where they are in the end phase.

(except removed of course)
SS64 said:
Yes it is, monsters summoned will always be removed from play regardless where they are in the end phase.

(except removed of course)

Umm no they won't, if they get flipped face-down, sent to the grave or sent back to the deck, they won't get removed...

I was just trying to pull DJ's hair =P
Some clarifications about the new FAQ rules for LW:

1) You can choose the timing for when you Special Summon for the effect of "Last Will". You can Special Summon the monster at any time during your turn, except during damage calculation. You do not have to Special Summon the monster at the point the first monster was sent to the Graveyard. If you activated "Last Will" after a monster was sent to the Graveyard, you do not have to Special Summon the monster when "Last Will" resolves.

2) If your monster is sent to your Graveyard by battle, you resolve "Last Will's" effect during that same Battle Phase (but not during the Damage Step). If it's your turn, then your newly Summoned monster can attack before Main Phase 2.

The first sentence says during "Damage calculation" and the second says "Damage step". The correct one is damage step, right?
As far as I know, damage calculation is a sub step of the damage step, but only for didatic reasons, since there are no real sub steps inside the Damage Step, right?

And about the tribute issue, if I tribute a Sangan (for example) to summon Mobius and have a Last Will lingering, I must wait for a no response window to summon a monster for LW effect, right? In others: the monster brought by LW effect won't deny my opponent opportunity to respond to Mobius summon with Trap Hole, BTH etc?

Thanks in advance.
As far as you second question goes, we're all wondering that (read a little bit further back in the thread) Hopefully the question will be answered on the judge's board soon....someone DID post it didn't they?