Nationals Sponsorship

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RIP Jacob KT 2/16/06
Did anyone else get the e-mail about nationals judge sponsorship? It was meshed in with a normal daily rulings as usual e-mail.

Did anyone aside from myself apply?
I received the email, but I haven't applied nor do I plan too. I'm trying to save up for a brand new Alienware computer and I can't afford to drop $500-800 to travel from Iowa to California. @_@

If Nationals were closer, then I might have thought about applying.

I'm still a rookie in terms of floor judging experience. =P
I was eager to apply this year since I passed my L2, but the nationals are right around the time I'm going to be a daddy, so I'm saving my time and energy for that 8^D Next year, I would love to do it if they continue the sponsorship program, or they have it in Vegas 8^D
I applied as well, as far as a response don't expect one until at least the 19th. I know that I recieved an "Out of Office Reply" when a mail of mine when to Ian's desk the other day about another topic. It said he wouldn't return until...if I remember correctly, the 15th or 16th so it's likely you won't hear anything before then....I thought that applications were accepted unti the 18th or 19th anyway.

We shall see! Good luck, I'd love to have the pleasure of judging with some of you....though I'm a goodly ways away and it might be financial decision as well for the plane fare.
John Danker said:
I applied as well, as far as a response don't expect one until at least the 19th. I know that I recieved an "Out of Office Reply" when a mail of mine when to Ian's desk the other day about another topic. It said he wouldn't return until...if I remember correctly, the 15th or 16th so it's likely you won't hear anything before then....I thought that applications were accepted unti the 18th or 19th anyway.

We shall see! Good luck, I'd love to have the pleasure of judging with some of you....though I'm a goodly ways away and it might be financial decision as well for the plane fare.
Well, Ian was just at our Shonen Jump in Maryland, so if you emailed him, he truly was out of office, and since his Mother lives in the Area (I believe she does), I'm sure he is taking the time to visit as it is a primo opportunity.
Tkwiget said:
I received the email, but I haven't applied nor do I plan too. I'm trying to save up for a brand new Alienware computer and I can't afford to drop $500-800 to travel from Iowa to California. @_@

If Nationals were closer, then I might have thought about applying.

I'm still a rookie in terms of floor judging experience. =P

that's why it's called sponsorship, they would pay for travel and hotel expenses.

2 things:
1. the e-mail said you will recieve you acceptance or non-acceptance (what's the opposite of acceptance again?) between the 17th and the 19th
2. tonight at 11:59 is the latest you can send your sponsorship request.
Now I won't be judging at nationals but I hope to be judging at the VS PC at the same location that weekend, so maybe people will see me.

I put in for judge sponsorship for the PC and with the recommendation of one of their top VS judges and one of the UDE Rules Team members (guys who write the VS FAQ's) I think I'll probably make the cut... or at least I hope so.

Here's to hoping I'll be in San Fran!
I sent mine in the same day it was posted. I've gotten a couple of recommendations myself. =P I hope to make the cut.

As for wanting to recognize me, My pic (kinda blurry) is posted on the first article in the SJC Long Beach coverage on metagame. =P
I was going to try to get out there to judge one of the two events, but i'm not going to be able to get the time off of work. :(
Tkwiget said:
I received the email, but I haven't applied nor do I plan too. I'm trying to save up for a brand new Alienware computer and I can't afford to drop $500-800 to travel from Iowa to California. @_@

If Nationals were closer, then I might have thought about applying.

I'm still a rookie in terms of floor judging experience. =P

Alienware, my dream computer $_$
wow, I got the email and i didnt apply but they are doing the same thing as last year give sponcer ship to the judges, what about the players?

whats the deal with that, I know alot of players in my area that had gotten invites last year and didnt go becuase they didnt have the cash to fly to the location. This year their going cause its a 6-7 hour drive so its kool but what about the NY players and the Florida Players...

man, im not saying nothing bad but Yugi players have it bad...
I'm sure they'd sponsor players if they could, but you are talking about a lot of players, versus nowhere near as many Judges.

Plus, if you get your invite early enough, it really is up to the player to start saving up to go. The bad part is, they dont give you the location in enough time to try to maximize getting cut rate prices on anything, unless you want to go Greyhound.
woo were talking about Yugi, here, If that was the case about player sponcership how many players do you think show up to Pro Tours? alot of players go to Pro Tour events and they get free plane ticket to get there.

I just think UDE could do a better job at sponcering their players instead of just judges.
krazykidpsx said:
woo were talking about Yugi, here, If that was the case about player sponcership how many players do you think show up to Pro Tours? alot of players go to Pro Tour events and they get free plane ticket to get there.

I just think UDE could do a better job at sponcering their players instead of just judges.
But the difference is, like any "Pro Tour" you are going to make your money back from all the external events going on around it and you want to have as many Pro Players (like Golf and the big name players) there to bolster your event, whereas Yugioh is big, but who's going to really be buying a whole lot of product when you get to Nationals? More than likely, there is going to be more trades than sales.

I've never been to one, but I can only imagine that the comparison is not that close.
maybe it would if the prize layout was more than just a laptop, and a few hand helds.

does the champ for national get a plane ticket or something to attend worlds? or is that save up for it situation as well?

i just belive its hater that they only get judges and not players. What about different tournaments, Regional and such gets boring. UDE's OP needs alot of stuff to do to get their games going up and running alot more.

Look at VS OP, how many different type of events they have.
All players who qualify for the World Championships in the U.S. recieve plane tickets (or air fare) to the World Championships from UDE....or they have in past years anyway.

Konami restricts the amount of prizes that can be given out. UDE has no problem giving out wonderful prizes when it's their choice....VS is purely a UDE created and run game, take a look at what they offer there, it's my guess that UDE, if it were their choice, would offer a much broader prize structure for Yugioh as welll.
so the problem lies with stingy konami? man... how sad.

yea i seen VS for UDE they look like their doing great when it comes to prize layout, its why im like, Why Vs? and not Yugi similar stuff? but since you mentioned this then the problem lies with Konami and i guess they cant stop UDE from doing what they can with Judges so they give sponcership to them.
Well, and they only give sponsorship to a few judges, and usually they only cover either airfare or hotel. It's only the head judge and a couple others who will get full sponsorship. For the Pro Circuit, there were about 20 judges, plus UDE staff judging, and most of us got our hotel covered...and UDE got a good bulk rate on that. For Nationals, they'll probably only sponsor 15-20 judges. That's compared to 300 players that would need some kind of sponsorship. Besides, they can just sell their prize packs and playmat and make some of the money towards their trip costs.
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