The new [10.2005] Ban list is out

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Its not that bad, CG. Give the thread a read. You'll notice a lot of us are happy with it. Think about it. More creativity.
Inuyasha_Riku said:
heh..someone remind me, whens Elemental Energy coming aout again?
Unfortunately, Mid-November. Pre-Release is set for November 5-6.

Actually, if you use Jar of Avarice correctly, you "gain" five cards back to your deck and effectively credit yourself in the positive, whereas Pot of Greed was a "use one card to gain one card Hand Advantage".
Digital Jedi said:
Alright guys, I know you miss Pot and all, but I can't tell any of you apart anymore. Knock it off! :mad: :mad: :p
Yes... I would also like to know the Reasoning behind this... '_';;

I would read the thread, but I am tired, hungry, and have to do homework. Such fun, huh?

Really, the only thing I don't like about this list is that fact that Pot of Greed is banned ALONG WITH Graceful Charity. More creativity with drawing doesn't go too far - there aren't too many spell cards that you can put in any deck to draw aside from those two. To tell the truth, there aren't many at all, otherwise they'd be used.

The only problem with Pot of Avarice is that it is situational. You need at least five cards in your graveyard to use it, and not just any five cards, but five monsters. That isn't going to happen on the first few turns. It also does not thin your deck out, or do anything to benefit you. All it really does is protect against mill decks. Now don't get me wrong - it's a good card, and it works, and it has a nice effect, but it is not a new staple, in my opinion, by any means.
Sadly this list has yet to even come into effect and people in my area are already metadecking for the new list, everyone was looking for Gravekeeper cards to counter the Zombie Swarms, and Warrior cards to combo with the 3 Marauding Captains.
I'll be happy when there's finally a list which makes the word "Meta" obsolete, banning BLS-EoTB was a step in the right direction, hopefully the next list will continue this.
Digital Jedi said:
Its not that bad, CG. Give the thread a read. You'll notice a lot of us are happy with it. Think about it. More creativity.

I personally think if people want to be creative, they wouldn't need a ban list to bring it out in them!!

I personally hate this list, but meh, no point me moaning about it. Won't change anything. Just try adapt my deck best as I can and get down to business.
While many people, myself included, run decks just because they are fun and unusual the ban list is there to try to balance the game and take out cards that are too broken not to use. The same reason the restricted list is there.

Can you win in traditional format even without any of the "traditional only" cards? Yes. Are you going to have to have a fair amount of luck due to the overwhelming advantages those cards give? Absolutely. Part of dueling is always luck. Part is being able to build a deck that is built to run fluidly to your win-situation. But you can't ignore the broken cards with the advantages they have. When 1 or 2 cards can completely turn the game around and end the duel all by themselves no matter how much the other player was ahead before then you are foolish not to use them to your advantage.

The same cards weren't appearing in every regional and above deck because everybody are clones and can't think up decks. They were there because they were the best chance to win.
Skimmed the thread, didn't feel like reading all of it. Anyway, here's some of my opinions.

I feel that some of the deck types that didn't royally get screwed by the list got increasingly more dangerous to play against. Ben Kai, Last Turn, Warrior, Zombie, etc.. These decks will probably get blown out or proportion and be over used like Chaos decks.

Also, Jar of Avarice does this.

Select 5 Monster Cards in your Graveyard and shuffle them into your Deck. Draw 2 cards afterwards.

Also Pot of Greed will not be in the Spellcaster Structure deck to. Which is also Pre-existing. -_-

Just some food for thought. People hopefully will find out that some cards (which I'll list) are going to prove their worth easily. Here are some of them. Not going to explain WHY just going to list them. Too pressed for time right now.

Magic Drain
Needle Ceiling
Nobleman of Extermination
Drop Off
Time Seal
Robbin' Goblin
Mirror Wall
Wall of Revealing Light (Not in Last Turn or Stall decks)
Raigeki Break
Thunder of Dark Realm
Wave-Motion Cannon (Not in Burn decks or related decks)
Messenger of Peace
Curse Seal of the Forbidden Spell
Solemn Judgment
Royal Oppression
Bait Doll
Autonomous Action Unit
Monster Recovery
My Body as a Shield
Double Spell
Grave Lure
Draining Shield
Mystic Wok
Magic Cylinder
Ceasefire (Not in a Burn deck)

Those are just some that I could dish out off the top of my head. Hopefully the new list will help people from being afraid of exploring uncharted territory. =/ I've been doing it since I've been playing this game. :)
Yeah I'd agree with you on that. Lol.

One of the reasons I'm such a horrible player is I spend too much time looking for certain tactics that I fail to realize that the answer is right in front of me.

Such as the long term synergy Magic Drain and Time Seal/Drop Off give you. However it's weak to Royal Decree. (I'm aware of Spell Speed issues between all three traps.)
Hmm...Solemn Judgment in 3's became much more viable now.

I'm liking this list a lot. It seems that many have already begun the process of experimentation and are sticking with their different ideas, rather than conforming to a select few deck-types.

But, every list will provide a path for certain decks to shine and others to fall. Eventually, we will begin to see similar decks take the big events such as regionals and SJCs. Hopefully, that won't be the case.
I've tried Solemn Judgment. A well timed Ceasefire and Magic Cylinder cripples you completely and that isn't good at all.

But I don't know if enough people will be Main Boarding Ceasefire and Magic Cylinder to give that kind of result. On top of that I don't know if a lot of people will be using three Solemn Judgment even. It might seem viable but do you really want to drop yourself down to a mere 2000? Field presense can over run you and those Solemn Judgment you played before could end up being your direct downfall. =/

Aside from that, Solemn Judgment is a very viable Side Board card. That fact was true in the old format too. =)
If it was a good side board card, wouldn't it be the same when you main deck it? The point of using Solemn Judgment in a deck is to keep everything in control. You want to go 1-1 as much as possible and create an opening for a 2 for 1 with cards such as Heavy Storm, Dark Hole, Torrential Tribute. Destroying monsters by battle is also a way to gain the upper hand in terms of overall card count.

Then, when you have field control, you have a higher chance at victory when you set that Solemn Judgment to negate whatever last resort the opponent may have. There is no more Pot of Greed to allow for 2 more cards to worry about. There are, however, a plethora of draw monsters that may maintain the 1-1 Exchanges, and others that ruin it. The greatest threats being Morphing Jar and Cyber Jar. However, aside from them, once you have the upper hand, Solemn Judgment is primarily used to seal the deal.

Of course, now that many many people have begun to use Cyber Dragon Aggro decks, why not combine YOUR aggro with Solemn Judgment? Overpower their monsters and negate any big threats.

There will always be downfalls to using cards. You've mentioned 2, and I add the opponent's Injection Fairy Lily, Kinetic Soldier, and Burn decks to that list. The biggest threat in the previous format was Ring of Destruction. Even with 3 Book of Moons, there was always a game or 2 where you could not stop the burn.

I am not saying splash 3 Solemn Judgments into any deck. What I am saying is that 3 in a deck that can control the board will greatly enhance its effectiveness. Besides, wasn't that the purpose of siding it in before?
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