And thus, the Cookie Cutter Deck was born because players got tired of trying to win with their own decks...
Anyway, I used to have the same thing occur at a couple of the stores I played at. The great thing was, only a few resorted to Cookie Cutters, and the rest just kept reworking their decks. Eventually, there was a changing of the guard, even if it was for one or two weeks, it showed that hard work pays off. Running your "winners" off is not a good thing. All it does is tell people that if you work hard to win, the prize is "you get to not play". You did all that work, only to be banished. How is that teaching good sportsmanship? Where else would you see something like that happen?
I know some sports include Handicapping, but this shouldnt be one of them. If people are not returning to the store, then the TO should do more than just take peoples money and count his cashflow. He's as much at fault for not making things exciting and different. He has the power to create alternative forms of Tourneys. If he's just in it for the money, then that alone should entice him to try something new for the benefit of EVERYONE and not exclude good players simply because they ARE good.
Being a "good player" means being a "good loser" as well, instead of being a "player hater".