9/1 Ban list in Japan

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densetsu_x said:
After all said and done... this list may be pointless to us after all.


I'm hoping that Konami does allow for differences between the 2 environments, but I'm not holding my breath. Kevin makes a decently compelling statement or two, but my judgment is constrained by his history of double-talk and lack of action on so many other things.

We have 30 or so days to find out.

<crosses fingers>
well in the meantime lets actually see what changes.

we know that not everything will be changes only a few cards, maybe the Captains and the lords, aswell as few other cards, heck we might even see forcefull centry return. :)

the thing, i think they are mostly focusing is the limited part of the game.

really TER restricted to 1 and meta and tsuku and goat, that completely kills goat control by alot. so i think they might go a semi and unlim the TER.

but the serpent coming back, there might be a 90% chance it stays.

come on people, were smart. we should get a bit more credit than just "Their all Cookie cutter fanatics"

Really guys, lets put our heads together and come up with something good :D
hahaha...true dat krazykid...looks like we've been given a chance to break away from the cookie cutterness and try some new things out.....definitely gonna be a lot more unique decks out there...
I've been doing that for months. To be honest I've only came up with two deck concepts that are at all decent. Dark Realms and Fiend/Hand-Control. Dillie-O has seen my first version of the fiend deck, and I'm waiting for EEN to come in November so I can see if I can judge at the effect to not only learn more about the game but to boost my collection. (I judge mostly cause it's fun. I like to see people have fun and that makes me have fun watching them.)

Another thing I've been trying to do is find dead deck types and revive them with fresh tactics. So far Hand-Control is the only dead deck type that I've even been successful at reviving to fit my uses. Not to mention Dark Realms deck will also have Hand-Control features as well. The thing is, I just have to keep discarding and you guys that know what card I'm talking about understand that strategy. =)

So I'll be interested to see what kind of future adjustments will be made. Hopefully they'll actually reflect it upon our local areas and other special events. (Rather Sanctioned events in general that require deck lists.) This will help analyze the number of cards being used. You can semi-limit Book of Moon and it would hurt few decks, however limiting it just kills a viable support card for your deck's defenses. I find that to be rather stressful to find a replacement and Wave-Motion Cannon probably will be mained twice as much because of it. (Don't ask me why, just a gut feeling.)
krazykidpsx said:
come on people, were smart. we should get a bit more credit than just "Their all Cookie cutter fanatics"

Really guys, lets put our heads together and come up with something good :D

Oh, absolutely! I've always been a big fan of the ban list. In general, I think it's still too short! Book of Moon hurts me (as densetsu_x laughs), but other than that I'm all for every one of these changes. Even Graceful Charity, although I still think it wasn't necessary :D OK, in all honesty I was hoping for Heavy Storm to *join* Dark Hole as forbidden, not the other way around ...

I see it like this (really). I stink at this game. The more it gets shaken up, the better chance I have at creating something somewhat unique and effective. The less 'staples' there are, the better this game gets. Heck, you could get rid of Pot of Greed and I wouldn't complain much about it.
Ok from a email that judges recieved this looks like the list that Asia will get. It doesn't mean North America an the rest of the world will get the same list. I'll post the e-mail in a few seconds.
While I can appreciate some sort of uniqueness for each region, I think a unified way to go would have been a better way to go. I can see "unique" lists making a mess come Worlds time. After all, you play a certain way and are used to certain styles when suddenly you're expected to play against a completely different set of guidelines. Not to mention personally, I would have liked the month to build something new and experiment with it and refine it so that it'll work when the dates officially change. Besides, why else would I go for getting both Dark Hole and White Hole if only to find out it might still be restricted after all. Contrary to Kevin's statement, some of us don't want to play Traditional because while we may want to dust off some of the old cards, I'd rather not have to face an onslaught of CED/Yata/BLS etc. So I like a little change like that without having every broken card played.

P.S. I still want that Dark Hole and White Hole. After all, I got 2 Makyura the Destructor cards just in case that rumor list was true.
I don't get it?

I don't see how this is going to aid the meta. This just drives a deeper wedge between Japan and the rest of the world. This is the primary reason that there is no consistancy in how this game operates. It's like the more UDE tries to help, the deeper in the mrie we end up in.
blade146 said:
Ok from a email that judges recieved this looks like the list that Asia will get. It doesn't mean North America an the rest of the world will get the same list. I'll post the e-mail in a few seconds.

I posted the link to his e-mail a couple of posts up.
If Pot of Greed is banned everyone will main deck Jar of Avarice.

Which is add 5 monsters from your graveyard to your deck and shuffle it. Then draw 2 cards.

It's in EEN and it's an Ultra.

This card of course will be useful to some decks such as Dark Magician (which is my current and only deck right now) to possibly Warriors (which will be more about swarming than about Chaos now...). So I wouldn't really be surprised if Pot of Greed is banned next time around or possible even after that.

The ban list never really annoyed me (except our current one) until the list is actually understood why.

The question after this is if there's two seperate Ban Lists from Asia and the US, do the players of those events simply follow their allowed ban lists of there respective areas or will a third one be made that will be universal for everyone. To me, I'd like to see Asia vs. US ban lists go at it. After all they'd have fun just like we would. =)
DaGuyWitBluGlasses said:
The scan of V-Jump shows only eleven cards on the semi-restricted list.

The list posted shows 12 cards. One of them has to go...
Isn't one of them a card released no where else but Japan?
it would be unfair to play 2 different lists come worlds 2006, yea by that time we will have yet another new list to work with.

but the simple fact of trailing off is going to make a huge mark on the game.

considering we have been trying to play catch up with the OCG, its okay if we dont have sixth sence or cursh, and so forth. we can make do with what we have. who cares.

we all know how rediculous it gets to the OCG players come worlds because the rest of the world doesnt have said card.

its already how long since the games release? and we have yet to get all the promos they have.

they should just make 1 big booster call it " catch up " and put alot of the promos from japan in it.

heck we were told we would get some spell or traps for this years tins. were are they? i saw non, i saw nothing but monsters. monsters which just got even less playable.

Igzarion Universe just droped in playability by alot, not by no longer playable but it did just get beat up over the head.

and then Des voltsgalph not beign printed till 1 year or so after. man, the tcg is going to be slow for a very very very long time if this is the case.

SJC should make new promos not give us stuff that is already out in the OCG and just make it harder for the TCG to get.
Imagine two different lists...

<whine> But I like this one... </whine>

*le sigh* oh well.... As long as BLS stays banned and Tsuku/TER/Goat stay limited, I'll be just fine...
The only card that I really care about is Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning and it being banned. That's the only card I could care about. TER could be Limited, since the normal amount of TER being used is one anyway. Metamorphosis can be Semi-Limited and Scapegoat can be Semi-Limited or Limited. I don't care, I only use one for most of my decks anyway.

I don't even use more than two in a Burn deck just for an optional approach into dealing damage. (It's not a main stream tactic of my burn decks to use. Too easy to stop anyway.)
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