It's still a rather farfetched list IMO. I mean, Dark Realms decks from Elemental Energy are going to be owning the crap out of decks. It will be the new standard deck. Zombies won't, trust me on that. It will be Warriors and Dark Realms. All the Dark Realms cards are FIENDS!!!! That makes it a lot better when running a
Dark Necrofear or two in the deck. Fuels her and has a chance of a
Snatch Steal minus the 1000 life point gain.
Sure Zombies can come back all they want, but did you guys even look at burn decks? THEY weren't at all effected by them. They lost at most three cards. Wow,
Ring of Destruction,
Graceful Charity, and
Mirror Force. The rest isn't even touched.
Not to mention my
Dark Magician deck got a huge boost in power from this ban list. I lost three cards in my deck and one that I planned on getting. Wow, no real loss to me.
As for Discard Effects. If any of you have seen the Elemental Energy spoiler list on DMcomet, I'd expect more of you to see how that will replace Chaos decks as the main stream deck thati'll be used or rather, it will jump closer to the top of my decks to build. Now, I'm ditching
Cyber Jar Mill for Dark Realms and Fiends. (Which will be closely related.)
Discard effects won't turn you as badly as you think. You still have
Morphing Jar and
Card Destruction, the two staples in Dark Realms decks. All you need to worry about really is a
Bottomless Trap Hole and
Torrential Tribute.
Bottomless Trap Hole from this aspect of what Dark Realms do (which is swarm the field after a ton of discarding...) will use two or three
Bottomless Trap Hole.
Honestly, losing
Mirror Force and
Ring of Destruction in my deck was a huge loss for defense, but I can triple up with
Sakuretsu Armor and possibly use
Needle Ceiling as a backup card in my Side Board. It leaves you room for other cards that you wouldn't normally use. I do expect to see
Needle Ceiling used more widely from this list. I mean,
Mirror Force and with TT still in many decks. They'll want the mass removal they had before so
Needle Ceiling is a nice replacement and activating it really isn't that much of a hassle. Why? Because Swarm decks like Warriors and Zombies will be more popular. Doesn't mean they'll survive long as Zombies will be eating up
Bottomless Trap Hole after you Needle Ceilng them.
I also expect to see
Needle Worm teched into a lot more decks, why? -5 cards to your deck is a huge blow now that Chaos is eliminated as a large threat. So the basic structure of a deckout before
Cyber Jar Mill was discovered might be picked up again.
Of course, these are just my personal opinions and views of what will happen. Don't think that I'm against the ban list, I find it interesting. =)