9/1 Ban list in Japan

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Evil [ycard="DB2-EN166" said:
Fiber Jar[/ycard]]I heard from Kevin T. that Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon will be release within a year.
I'm surprised that news didn't spread as fast as I thought it would. No one really seemed to care...or maybe no one heard it?
It depends on how it's released. If it were the SJC prize, a lot of people would have cared. If it's a Sneak Preview special card, yeah people will care but not as much.
It's still a rather farfetched list IMO. I mean, Dark Realms decks from Elemental Energy are going to be owning the crap out of decks. It will be the new standard deck. Zombies won't, trust me on that. It will be Warriors and Dark Realms. All the Dark Realms cards are FIENDS!!!! That makes it a lot better when running a Dark Necrofear or two in the deck. Fuels her and has a chance of a Snatch Steal minus the 1000 life point gain.

Sure Zombies can come back all they want, but did you guys even look at burn decks? THEY weren't at all effected by them. They lost at most three cards. Wow, Ring of Destruction, Graceful Charity, and Mirror Force. The rest isn't even touched.

Not to mention my Dark Magician deck got a huge boost in power from this ban list. I lost three cards in my deck and one that I planned on getting. Wow, no real loss to me.

As for Discard Effects. If any of you have seen the Elemental Energy spoiler list on DMcomet, I'd expect more of you to see how that will replace Chaos decks as the main stream deck thati'll be used or rather, it will jump closer to the top of my decks to build. Now, I'm ditching Cyber Jar Mill for Dark Realms and Fiends. (Which will be closely related.)

Discard effects won't turn you as badly as you think. You still have Morphing Jar and Card Destruction, the two staples in Dark Realms decks. All you need to worry about really is a Bottomless Trap Hole and Torrential Tribute. Bottomless Trap Hole from this aspect of what Dark Realms do (which is swarm the field after a ton of discarding...) will use two or three Bottomless Trap Hole.

Honestly, losing Mirror Force and Ring of Destruction in my deck was a huge loss for defense, but I can triple up with Sakuretsu Armor and possibly use Needle Ceiling as a backup card in my Side Board. It leaves you room for other cards that you wouldn't normally use. I do expect to see Needle Ceiling used more widely from this list. I mean, Mirror Force and with TT still in many decks. They'll want the mass removal they had before so Needle Ceiling is a nice replacement and activating it really isn't that much of a hassle. Why? Because Swarm decks like Warriors and Zombies will be more popular. Doesn't mean they'll survive long as Zombies will be eating up Bottomless Trap Hole after you Needle Ceilng them.

I also expect to see Needle Worm teched into a lot more decks, why? -5 cards to your deck is a huge blow now that Chaos is eliminated as a large threat. So the basic structure of a deckout before Cyber Jar Mill was discovered might be picked up again.

Of course, these are just my personal opinions and views of what will happen. Don't think that I'm against the ban list, I find it interesting. =)
well yea beud probably would recieve more attention for that...but in terms of playability....cyber end would probably see more....
If it ends up being a Shonen Jump Promo, I'd rather wait until the set it will be released with goes to the masses than stand in line for an hour just to get a card I will probably put in my binder and never look at again.

Also, has anyone noticed that Cybernetic Revolution is out in "Normal" Retail Blister Packs as 1st Edition??

Is Konami giving Walmart, Target, Toys, and other Retail Outlets the green light again?
A shock and surprise in the list, a lot of people expected to see BLS banned and the goods news is that he finally is meeting with his Envoy buddy in the ban list. I don't know how long it will be before we see him back or CED for that matter, but for now it seems that Konami have made a good choice. Next SJC Championships will see a new deck win, or quite possibly a new form of Chaos in Chaos Sorcerer.

The biggest shock and most welcome has to be the banning of Ring of Destruction. This card wins so many games on its own and has cost me so many games and to be honest I am far happier to see the back of that than BLS. I am surprised to see Vampire Lord and Marauding Captain unrestricted, I guess mainly because their use has faded or maybe because we have far better ways to deal with them.

If this is the true list, then I welcome it, but I won't be fully convinced until I see Konami showing the same list.

On a side note, I think Konami should reconsider the scheduling of Ban list every 3 months rather than every 6 and should also consider restricting cards during each release of the new sets, it would make life far easier.
There is no way they would ever go to a 3 month Ban. Just as you start fine tuning your Deck, it's time to change it out again for the new list.
[ycard="TLM-ENSE3" said:
Mazera DeVille[/ycard]]
On a side note, I think Konami should reconsider the scheduling of Ban list every 3 months rather than every 6 and should also consider restricting cards during each release of the new sets, it would make life far easier.

I don't think it would happen. Not long enough to even see how the ban list would take effect with the players
::sigh:: me and my bro are already going through cards to find the next best thing.

he usually uses the warrior / Chaos Swarm (Chaos Sorcerer) to win withing a few turns. Im using a Toon Fetcher / Wavemotion Stall deck.

they seem to be very good so far, both decks. unfortunatly the Stall decks need swarm destruction. IM playing without LV and just as hard as it is without serpent, its hard with out LV vs. Swarm.

Toon Fetcher deck is actually preaty decent your hand size will always be decent. :)

ill have a build for you guys soon, Both deck actually. :)
If the ban list hit every 3 months we would never have a solid deck made. I would stop playing all together and just judge all the time. I rather have a steady list for 6 months to work with and build new strageties with. 3 month ban lists kill the purpose of the Advanced Format IMO. If the list just seems to change too quickly then they would be sloppy lists of 10 to 20 some cards. Not a good way about planning what you wish to ban.

Another thing I think is that Chaos decks won't have that edge anymore. Chaos Sorcerer isn't that great since it can only remove a face down monster. This gives cards like Apprentice Magician and Morphing Jar a chance to see their nice effects go off. Not to mention people will start decking three D. D. Assailant. (Don't remember if that's semi restricted according to these lists or not.) I would still like to see some more solid support released or have some lists that actually help out Dragon decks enough for me to want to build one. So far I'll just run three different decks. Dark Magician, Dark Realms, and Fiend/Hand-Control.

Also the thing I'd be seeing for dealing with swarm decks are Warriors will be getting killed horribly by Kinetic Soldiers again. Those will be seen sided or even mained. Another thing that will own Zombies is Royal Oppression. So don't count that card out. I just don't want to have it end up me not playing as much because my decks can't adjust quickly enough to the list or smoothly enough. If I'm not mistaken both Graceful Charity and Mirror Force were banned before, this time we have a larger card pool to draw from for replacements so I really won't be complaining that much.

Cards they shouldn't unban for a while is Mirage of Nightmare. That card just supports and has so much synergy with Dark Realms and Fiend/Hand-Control that they'd just turn into Cookie Cutters.

I'll try and encourage my players in my local tournament to adjust to these new changes ahead of time. Naturally, there's those few players that just get on my nerves. You know the ones people, the players that think you're their friend and want to suck as much information out of you as possible. I've never held so much valuable information from someone in my entire life. But anyway, I do have a feeling Discard effects like someone mentioned before are going to harm us, but not in the way that we might think. I've already have been planning ahead of time (about a month ago) to make a deck that thrives off discard.

And yes, I'm the person that hates Sinister Serpent and Night Assailant. I've never used them and I won't ever even if they're unbanned or unrestricted. I just don't like em. =)
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