Wow ... SJC-EN003 is ... Shrink

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Perhaps this is what we need for the bigger tournements to force originality- you have to dress to fit your deck.
If playing a beastdown, you wear furs.
If playing a water deck, dress in blue.
If playing a burn deck, wear red and orange.
If playing a machine deck, wear metallics.
If playing CC, wear what the person next to you is wearing...
Yes originality is fun from time to time. However, alot of people enter these big tourneys with the main objective of winning. Why would they not play the best deck they can if they were trying to win the tournament? So for those of you who complain about CC decks, think about this, the moment someone creates an original deck that can beat the current CC, that new deck becomes the next CC. Remember, having a CC deck does not guarantee you will win, having the skill to play a deck you know, however, will give you a much better shot at winning.

As to Shrink, I am very disappointed as well. We will be waiting over a year now before the masses have access to it. However, since it is now out in the U.S., won't it be legal at World's? And doesn't Japan have easy access to have as many as they want in their decks?

So the release of Shrink could be an attempt to get us closer to evening the card pool. Or it could be a conspiracy by a Japanease owned company to help their players have a better shot at winning worlds.

Oh well, now I have the 2006 tins to look forward to for my Gadgets and other new cards for the masses.
papewaio said:
However, since it is now out in the U.S., won't it be legal at World's?

According to Dan Scheidegger, neither Shrink nor Des Volstgalph will be eligible for use in this year's Worlds.
papewaio said:
Yes originality is fun from time to time. However, alot of people enter these big tourneys with the main objective of winning. Why would they not play the best deck they can if they were trying to win the tournament? So for those of you who complain about CC decks, think about this, the moment someone creates an original deck that can beat the current CC, that new deck becomes the next CC. Remember, having a CC deck does not guarantee you will win, having the skill to play a deck you know, however, will give you a much better shot at winning.

That is the problem though and KONAMI is to be blamed for this. Almost any Deck should be able to do just as well in this game, but the fact that KONAMI went into this game without a game plan further shows they never should have been in charge of it. People are too obsessed with winning at all costs. It is that type of justification that "I want to win, screw it no matter what I have to do I want to win."

Emon Ghaneian

Monsters: 23
2 Magician of Faith
2 Magical Merchant
3 Chaos Sorcerer
2 Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
1 Jinzo
3 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
3 Cyber Dragon
1 Sangan
1 D.D. Assailant
1. Tsukuyomi
1 Treeborn Frog
1 Night Assailant
1 Breaker the Magical Warrior
1 D.D. Warrior Lady

Spells: 11

1 Snatch Steal
1 Confiscation
1 Graceful Charity
1 Book of Moon
2 Nobleman of Crossout
1 Heavy Storm
1 Scapegoat
1 Metamorphosis
1 Premature Burial
1 Mystical Space Typhoon

Traps: 7
3 Return from the Different Dimension
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Call of the Haunted

Side: 15
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Deck Devastation Virus
1 Ceasefire
2 Dust Tornado
2 My Body as a Shield
2 Spirit Reaper
2 Gravekeeper's Spy
2 Mobius the Frost Monarch
1 Dark Magician of Chaos

Fusion: 16
1 Thousand-Eyes Restrict
3 Dark Balter the Terrible
2 Ryu-Senshi
2 Reaper on the Nightmare
2 Ojama King
2 Darkfire Dragon
1 Dragoness the Wicked Knight
1 The Last Warrior from Another Planet
1 Cyber Twin Dragon
1 Gatling Dragon

That does not take skill to win with. Seriously, you hand that Deck List to a competent duelist and they will win with it the majority of the time. This game is dying. No this game is dead. You just do not realize it yet. It is this type of Deck List that can continues to kill it. I am all for winning too. I want to win as much as the next dude, but can you honestly say you won on your own using this type of Deck? A Deck any noob could put together with their momma's money? The second a new Deck beats something else, everyone else would jump all over it because they are sheep.
hold on tiso, do you mean Emon won the shonen jump?

hey way to go emon, Im gonna have to make sure I sock that fool when i see him on wednessday or when ever i see him again. lol
One thing i dont get. Most people that play a cc deck have large fusion decks that allows them to have options depending on whats out when their meta shows up. So why is it that no one is running a memory crusher?

One of the final 8 had close to 50 cards in hus fusion deck. Tell me that aint a nice number to crush him for.
cuase some CC players belive that Fusions arnt Needed, I personally know emon and hes preaty smart when it comes to this game.

to tell you the truth he plays alot, I mean ALOT. the few times that we play Magic together is becuase he wanted a brake or just wanted to play something different.
Tiso said:
I want to win as much as the next dude, but can you honestly say you won on your own using this type of Deck? A Deck any noob could put together with their momma's money? The second a new Deck beats something else, everyone else would jump all over it because they are sheep.
This is my first time seeing the Deck List from the Columbus SJC, but for one of the few times, I would have to agree with you. This deck is pretty "pedestrian" at best, and is the very definition of Clone, Copy, Facsimile, Duplicate, etc....

Soon, the game will be infiltrated with similar Decks until the September/October Ban comes to give us a new deck for the next 6 months. That in itself is a very sad statement to where players can only be somewhat original until the next Flavor Deck arises in 30-45 days Post Ban.

If winning at all cost results in this output, then a proposal I made on another site to me, would be one solution.

Since the Shonen Jump Championship is pretty much the "Premier Event" outside of Worlds, I would propose that all Top 8 Deck list from a 6 Month Period be used to make a "Percentage Based" Ban List.

100% used card in all Top 8 Decks would result in immediate Ban Placement.

75% used card in all Top 8 Decks would result in one of two placements; if the card was already on the Limited List, it would be placed on the Ban List. If the Card was Semi-Limited, it would be immediately Limited.

50% used card in all Top 8 Decks would result in one of two placements; if the card was already Limited, it would remain Limited. If the card was Semi-Limited, it would be immediately Limited.

25% used card in all Top 8 Decks would result in one of two placements; if the card was already Limited, it would remain limited. If the card was Semi-Limited, it would remain Semi-Limited.

Of course, this would mean that the Ban List would have to rotate much quicker, so I would propse changing the Ban List to from 6 months to 3 months. This would force Players to continually change their Decks based upon the revolving Ban List. There would be no chance to create a "Cookie Cutter Deck", as the timeframe to do so has been significantly reduced.

Originality could become more of a focus, although play "could" suffer in the interim, as players have less time to play test decks.

Just an idea....
There was one duelist while reading the metagame articles who I wanted to lose. His name was Kris Perovic. He had this arrogant attitude in one the matches. He was like "Do you want to scoop now?" This was against the person who beat him in one SJC too or something. Even though Emon won and he is your friend, he does not get my respect or admiration at all. I honestly could not care less about how long he plays and how much he knows about the game. That Deck just offends me. Anyone with that exact Deck List could have won it. That really is nothing to be proud of.
I dont know about that Tiso, Only because he and the top 8 played cookie cutter for him to go through mirror matches and win shows skill.

remember that when 50 players play the same deck you go through Mirror Matches, and that is just hecktic, becuase if you dont know how to play against mirror matches how do you expect to win?

I could care less that he won, what surprised me is that he won this SJC, one that isnt even close to home. Thats the part that surprised me, he is a road warrior, he goes outside of the state, is still in high school and playing in some tornament were the most you get is a card.

we already told him to play magic and get money back from all the stuff he does for Yugi but he said he isnt good yet. and you know what he isnt as good in Magic as he is in yugi but eventually he will get better. Casue seriously he is smart dude.

doesnt matter what you say about him, it doesnt offend me. and for all you know it probably doesnt offend him either.

last I heard before this that fool was in New York playing with somebody, i forgot who... so i dont know what to tell you Tiso, you can be pissed at the world or what ever but you oviously havent shown that much dedication to this game, No matter how CC the deck is, the point isnt that he won with CC is that he took the TIME to go out and play.

how much do you think it costs him to fly to the events? He live in So Cal, doesnt have a job, and is a high school student.

I dont know about you, but to me it looks like selling the card on Ebay to get some money back is what that guy is probably gonna start doing cause Plane Tickets arnt cheap.
I would go play in tournies and what not, problem is: Travel and card pool. There is not enough cards out for me to realize the Deck I want. It is one thing to use Water Dragon outside of a tourney setting. It is another to have competitive Water Dragon Deck that can beat CC Decks. I gave myself 2 years (2008) Spring before I do tournies regardless of what is out.

Even if he won, that is not the point. He won using a CC Deck. There is no skill in that. There is no grand scheme to the Deck. Just a bunch of random stuff splashed together because they are staples or good cards. If anything, when it comes to mirror matches, it is more of the luck of the draw than it is of the Deck. Sure the players can have some variations of the Deck but the same concept remains the same. It just comes down to how their hand and their game goes. In fact, that just further proves my point from what you described of him. He has no job. In high school. So that means he gets his rich parents to help him get an award winning Deck with cards that are expensive and then give him the needed fare to get to these places.

I have shown a lot of dedication to this game. I have stuck with this game through every nonsense thing to come up. I am not mad at the world. I am mad at players like Emon and mad at the people who give these players praise when they do not deserve it. Let me know when someone wins a SJC with E-Hero or Ojama. Let me know when VtoZ is in Top 8. Let me know when Spellcasters make it in Top 8. Winning with a Deck that in anyone's hands could and would most likely yield the same winning results is not skill. Don't get me wrong, you still need to be a competent duelist and have some degree of skill, but it is not a rocket science to win with a Deck List like that.
My bigesst dream is this game is to create a deck completety original and worthy of winning a tournament and you know the only player that have participated in a SJ that I consider worthy because he showed at least a little of originality?Phil Fitchew
What I find funny is, as unrealistic a chance as my proposal is, only one person in 4 Yugioh TCG Forums has responded to it, but everyone wants originality back in the game.

You cant force people to drop what works to experiment, if EVERYONE is not going to play along.

The only way to bring originality back, is to take away the choice to be original or not.
"Use the best cards" - ??

I dont remember who said it, but it was in Mike Flores Article, were he talked to a friend of his and he told him, "Use the best cards"

in this case the best cards are thouse in that deck, hence for everybody and their mom will fetch for thouse cards, but are they really the only best cards in the game?

seriously, Look at the simplicity of this game, cards like that are the best. anything else is just worth not touching in competative. and later when stuff from the best gets placed down something that was crummy becomes the best and the never ending cycle continues.

Your working on a water dragon deck right? You live for that, but Would you say your dragon deck is competative? is it trully using the best cards in the game for it to be strong enough to go up against another deck with cards just as good?

problem is konami is bieng lazy now, they dont care for the game and just releases garbage to the competative scene. Think about it, out of all the cards in SOI what was the card that everybody Hyped about, hell everybody hyped about the damn thing even in OCG.

and the card was a rare to top it off. what happend to the other 59 cards in the set?

If sets like these come along were the only good card is 1 or 2, then dont you think Konami is doing a horrible job at creating cards?

For there to be 2 decks to be good you need a very high number of good cards around, in this case the good cards are just this deck. guess there isnt enough for 2-3 decks.

in the Magic scene there are ALOT of competative decks,

in extended alone you have Affinity, Friggorid/ Psychatog Variants, Boros decks wins, and White Whinnie.

I bet you would love to play in an enviroment like that huh? well problem is yugi isnt like that, YOu know that and we all know that.

E-Hero is Horrible, alot of vanilla creatures, Do you seriously expect to win with Vanilla Creatures? be honest, do you? Nope, becuase this game is driven by effects.

VtoZ, you know how much time it takes to take it out? plus there are no tutors what so ever in this game for it to be quick. Yes there are field tutors, but the limit is 3, kinda hard in TCG enviroment to make a V to Z competative.

Dark world, Why is it not as competative, because there isnt enough support for it. Other than that the deck is close to Original and Competative as you want it.

Phil is a good guy, another person that I know and have played with personaly, its not always about originality, if anything hes more analytical to the game than people may give him credit for.

He sees the meta, and decks against the meta. since most people arnt used to playing against meta decks he usually gets good Win/Loss ratios, Other than that the decks are simple to beat. But again, Hes analitical, he sees the meta and knows how to play against the meta.

everybody can do that, they just dont want to.
masterwoo0 said:
What I find funny is, as unrealistic a chance as my proposal is, only one person in 4 Yugioh TCG Forums has responded to it, but everyone wants originality back in the game.

You cant force people to drop what works to experiment, if EVERYONE is not going to play along.

The only way to bring originality back, is to take away the choice to be original or not.
Works for me. I don't know if I like the 3 month rotation, but I'd support it if it was part and parcel of a lockdown on the Cookie Cutters of the World.
I for one, completely agree with your proposal masterwoo0, it would show who really have skills building and playing this game.

I'm really tire of all those no-brainer-pseudo-chaos descendant players I found every day.

I'm tire of people who will insult their opponents, if they try something funny or plain different.

This last weekend, I had one of those trashing my Reaper on the Nightmare's Deck, asking why I didn't build a wining deck.

All this after having halted his ability to attack for more than 20 turns with Spirit Barrier and Astral Barrier, he just couldn't realize that I was just play testing and having a lot of fun. I could very well add Lava golem, Wave-Motion Cannon, Raging Flame Sprite, etc, etc. but all that was simple out of the theme :biggrin_j
Yeah, its just sad when you only have Pre Release Tourney's to look forward to, as far as EVERYONE being on the same disadvantage, and yet, you still have people who cannot stand to not have the best cards available from the Set, and will cheat just to win by trading until the get what they need, and then sneak the cards into their "supposed" Sealed Deck Draft.
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