Realm of the Purgatory
Field Spell
Upon activation of this card, destroy all set spells or traps on your side of the field. The player who activated this card cannot chain any spells or traps to this card's activation. As long as this card is face-up on your side of the field, you cannot set any spells or traps on your side of the field. During your Draw phase, you can draw 1 extra card.
Sanctuary of Anubis
Field Spell
When you activate this card, destroy all cards on your side of the field and in your hand and remove them from play. The player who activated this card cannot chain any spells, traps or monster effects to this card's activation. As long as this card is face-up on your side of the field, you cannot set any spells or traps on your side of the field. During your Draw Phase, draw 3 cards instead of 1. At the end phase of both player's turn while this card is face-up on your side of the field, remove from play all cards in your hand.
The Hand of God
Field Spell
When you activate this card, destroy all cards on your side of the field and in your hand and remove them from play. The player who activated this card cannot chain any spells, traps or monster effects to this card's activation. As long as this card is face-up on your side of the field, you cannot set any spells or traps on your side of the field. During your draw phase, you can draw 4 cards instead of 1. During the start of the Battle Phase of both player's turn, remove from play all cards in your hand. At the End Phase of your 3rd turn after you activated this card, if this card remains face-up on your side of the field, you lose the duel. At the End Phase of your 6th turn after you activated this card, if the duel have not ended, you lose the duel.