hmm... you should leave the manipulation as it is... besides, you are manipulating it, right?

here are some cards i made quite a while ago, but never shared with anyone... they were made after ancient sanctuary, before soul of the duelist, and definatly make Agents more playable. i altered their effects a bit since then, and added two or three cards. First, though, I'm just going to post the monsters:
The Agent of the Mind, Jupiter
If you have "The Sanctuary in the Sky" face up on the field, you can discard one LIGHT monster from your hand to the graveyard to take control of one of your opponent's monsters until the end of the turn. You can only activate this effect once per turn.
Rarity: Ultra Rare
Limitation: None or 2
NOTES: This was DEFINATLY made before Reshef was. Kazuki/Konami/Shuiesha stole this idea from me, seriously. When you think of Jupiter, you think of Golden Sun... And with that magnificent RPG on GBA, you think of the Wind Adepts, who could read minds. That led me to make Jupiter the Agent of the Mind, who would take over opponent's monsters.
With her mind...
The Agent of Life, Uranus
If you have "The Sanctuary in the Sky" face up on the field, you can discard one LIGHT monster from your hand to the graveyard to special summon one LIGHT monster from your graveyard to the field in face-up attack position. This effect can only be used once per turn. You cannot select "Agent of Life, Uranus".
Rarity: Ultra
Limitation: None or 2
NOTES: Again, this was made before "The Creator". All my card effects get stolen eventually.... Uranus is the Agent of Life because in Greek Mythology, Uranus has something to do with life... Truly, i forget, its been a while since i brushed up on my Greek Myth, and i cannot remember whether Chaos = Uranus from the transition of Greek to Roman, or whether Uranus was the same name throughout Greek to Roman... But either way, it has something to do with life...
The Agent of Time, Neptune
If "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is face up on the field and you have no monsters on the field, you can special summon this monster without a tribute. When this card is specifically designated by a card effect, you can negate that effect and destroy it.
Rarity: Ultra or Super
Limitation: None
NOTES: Why is Neptune the Agent of time? Because i couldnt make "The Agent of Water" and water and time are the same thing in a way. And i think that Poseidon/Neptune had something to do with time... Again, i need to dig up my Mythology books...
The Agent of Death, Pluto
If "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is face up on the field, and your life points are higher than your opponent's, you can destroy one monster on the field whose ATK is lower than or equal to the difference by adding the two life points together and dividing them to equal each other. This effect can only be used once per turn.
Rarity: Ultra
Limit: 2 or none
Your LP only have to be higher than your opponent's at the beginning of this monster's effect.
NOTES: Pluto = Hades, who was the lord of the underworld, which is like death. Thus, Pluto is the Agent of Death. THAT i am sure of.
The Agent of Fertility, Earth
Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1, you can send one monster on your side of the field to the graveyard to increase your life points by the ATK or DEF of that monster.
Rarity: Super or less
Limit: None
NOTES: Earth ~ Ceres = Demeter... right? Well either way, they all controlled nature (save Earth, who's not in Roman or Greek myth), and thus, Fertility. It would make sense that you gain LP from their effects, right? right.
The Agent of Beauty, Moon
If this card is face up on the field while "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is face up on the field, then "The Sanctuary in the Sky" cannot be destroyed by any card effects. If there is another LIGHT type monster on your side of the field, this monster cannot be attacked.
Rarity: Rarity or Common
Limit: None
NOTES: No particular reason for this card. I just did NOT like how when id activate Saturn or summon Mars only to find the Sanctuary be destroyed and have either no monsters or a worthless monster on the field. Why not prevent it from being destroyed? Right? Why beauty? To me, the Moon is beautiful, and i couldnt think of another reason as to why it couldnt be attacked or have the sanctuary be destroyed, so beauty seemed a viable option.
That is it for the monsters for Agent/LIGHT/Fairy support. "Stay Tuned" for the Spells and Traps!