What if they remade....

those cards sure would make archfiends a lot more playable. (a lot of my made up cards would make archfiends, amazons, gravekeepers, penguins, plants, and fairies more playable too) heres a trio of monsters i created instead of Mirror Force:

Mirror Force Soldier
When this card is destroyed as a result of a battle while in face-up attack mode, destroy all attack position monsters on your opponent's side of the field. This card cannot be special summoned.

Level of Rarity: Rare or maybe Super
Limit: 2 or none

Mirror Force Spirit
When this card is attacked while in face-up attack mode, send every monster on your opponent's side of the field plus this card to the graveyard, then take 100 points of direct damage for every monster sent to the graveyard in this way. This card cannot be special summoned

Level of Rarity: Ultra or Super?
Limit: 1 or 2?

Mirror Force Bird
(Light/Winged Beast/5/1500/2300)
When this card is attacks your opponent, destroy all face-up attack position monsters on the field (except this one). This card cannot be special summoned.

Level of Rarity: Ultra
Limit: 1

i thought they were cool and stuff. though, archfiendgeneral made some awesome archfiend monsters.
Maruno said:
They've got a load more Monarchs to do yet. I'm sure one of them'll have an effect similar to that.

actually, they probably arent making any more monarchs. notice this pattern with their types:

Zaborg - Thunder
Mobius - Aqua
Thestalos - Pyro
Grandmarg - Rock

Those are the only YuGiOh types that arent living... "creatures". also, there arent any monarchs in TLM or CRV, to my knowledge.
Here's a silly one I just made up:
Confusing Entity
3 Star/Dark/Fiend/ATK -2000/DEF-1000

This card may have negative attack and defense values. For each card on the field, decrease this monster's ATK by 200 points and decrease its DEF by 200 points. Whenever this card battles a monster, the opponent increases his Life Points by an amount equal to the combined ATK and DEF of this card.
Scary, huh?

Here is one:

Switch Side
Each time you and/or your opponent has an increase or decrease in Life Points, Exchange your current Life Points with your opponent's current ones.

This Effect is not chainable.

This will definitely change the strategy of dueling. Just Imagine, every time there is a Life Point change from either player, both of you Exchange Life Points. This is going to be one crazy card.
Thnaks guys for liking my creations. Yeah, if those archfiend cards were around, a whole lot more people would be playing that deck type. well here's a few more. Figureed why not have a LV 1 archfiend as well. The look on opponent's face should be priceless when he sees you searching for one. And since there's an [Archfiend's] Axe of Despair, how bout a few more archfiend weapons?

Purgepawn Archfiend
Effect: Discard 1 Archfiend Monster Card from your hand and destroy the number of face-up monsters on your opponents side of the field equal to the level of the discarded Archfiend Monster Card.

Estimated rarity by effect: Super Rare
Limit: 1 (Its a TIV, albeit a strange one)
Notes: Normally I would only have two of the other pieces but sinec there a Vilepawn (aka Hell pawn) and a Divinepawn, there should a medium between them. Discarding a Six LV Archfiend is overkill (unless your in a tag team or something of that manner that has more than two players).

[Archfiend's] Shield of Apathy
Spell, Equip
Effect:A monster equiped with this card immediately switches to DEF mode. It cannot attack as long it is equipped with this card. Increase the DEF of a monster equipped with this card by 1000 points. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, if you Tribute 1 monster on your side of the field, this card returns to your hand.

Estimated rarity by effect: Ultra Rare
Limit: 2, maybe 1
Notes: The name pretty much states why the monster can't attack. It doesn't care any more.

[Archfiend's] Sword of Agony
Spell, Equip
Effect: Increase the ATK of a monster equipped with this card by 500 points. Destroy this card if it is equipped on an Fairy-type monster. When a monster equipped with this card attacks and destroys a monster through battle, negate all effects of the destroyed monster. Inflict 500 points of damage to your Life Points during each of your Standby Phases.

Estimated rarity by effect: Rare
Limit: none
Notes: Terrorking's sword made an equip spell. Ok, it may seem like I'm picking on Fairies with this one, but lets be realistic, fiend (Demon) cards and fairies (Angels) cards don't mix. Besides, Terrorking wouldn't be too happy to see Fairies using his weapon.

[Archfiend's] Lance of Scourge
Spell, Equip
Effect: Destroy this card if it becomes equipped to a non-Fiend-type Monster Card. When your monster equipped with this card destroys a monster through battle, monsters are removed from play instead of being sent to the Graveyard. When your monster equipped with this card attacks a face-down Defense Position monster, destroy the face-down monster immediately with this card's effect without flipping it face-up or damage calculation. Inflict 800 points of damage to your Life Points during each of your Standby Phases

Estimated rarity by effect: Rare or Super Rare
Limit: none
Notes: I wAnted to do Mefist's Lance but that's more like a halberd than a Lance.

EDIT: I changed the Lance quite a bit. Should I revert back to how it was or keep like that and put some other limitation on it?
Not quite remakes, though, but I'm not complaining.

Now, in the style of the Harpie Ladies...

Thunder Dragon 1
[Thunder-Type/LIGHT/3 Stars/ATK 800/DEF 1600]
"This card's name is treated as "Thunder Dragon". As long as this card remains face-up on the field, increase the ATK and DEF of all Thunder-Type monsters on the field by 400 points."

Thunder Dragon 2
[Thunder-Type/LIGHT/4 Stars/ATK 1700/DEF 1400]
"This card's name is treated as "Thunder Dragon". Discard this card from your hand to the Graveyard to add up to 2 cards named "Thunder Dragon" from your Deck to your hand. Your Deck is then shuffled. This effect can only be used during a Main Phase."

Thunder Dragon 3
[Thunder-Type/LIGHT/6 Stars/ATK 2400/DEF 2000]
"This card's name is treated as "Thunder Dragon". Send this card and 1 other card named "Thunder Dragon" from your hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 "Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon" from your Fusion Deck. This effect can only be used during your Main Phase."
here are a few more cards hot off the paper and pencil:

Chaos Sin - Infinite Devastation
(Spell Card)
Tribute one LIGHT and one DARK monster to activate this card. Discard your and your opponent's hands to the graveyard and do 300 damage to your opponent for every card discarded in this way.

Deep Sin - Hell Pyre
(Spell Card)
Tribute one DARK monster to activate this card. Destroy one monster on your opponent's side of the field and inflict damage to your opponent's LP equal to the monster's level x100.

Serene Sin - Heaven's Crescent
(Spell Card)
Tribute one LIGHT monster to activate this card. Destroy all face down monsters on your opponents side of the field and remove them from play.

Ray Sin - Infernal Skull
(Spell Card)
Tribute one FIRE monster to activate this card. Inflict 1500 points of direct damage to your opponents LP + 100 for every card in their hand.

Celcius Sin - Aurora Frostbite Plunge
(Spell Card)
Tribute one WATER monster to activate this card. Decrease the ATK of all of your opponent's monsters by 800.

Gale Sin - Eternal Tempest
(Spell Card)
Tribute one WIND monster to activate this card. Return all cards on your opponent's side of the field to their owner's hands.

Gaea Sin - Petra Burst
(Spell Card)
Tribute one EARTH monster to activate this card. Destroy all monsters on the field with an DEF of 1500 or less and increase the ATK of all of your own monsters by 500.

phew... uber powerful or no? what do you think?
Phew is right.

Chaos Sin...it's just topdeck mode all over again. The double-trib cost does hurt its playability, though.
SoCL + Light Sin = Pwnage.
Dark Sin is nasty! Trib my Sangan, kill your monster, burn you, fetch a monster, AND get Chaos fodder!
Fire Sin can do the final damage after RFS attacks. Ouch.
Water Sin...not really useful for the archetype. Flavorful though.
Wind Sin works with the theme without being broken.
TY for not making Earth Sin broken with Sheep!
chaos general said:
here are a few more cards hot off the paper and pencil:

Chaos Sin - Infinite Devastation
(Spell Card)
Tribute one LIGHT and one DARK monster to activate this card. Discard your and your opponent's hands to the graveyard and do 300 damage to your opponent for every card discarded in this way.

Deep Sin - Hell Pyre
(Spell Card)
Tribute one DARK monster to activate this card. Destroy one monster on your opponent's side of the field and inflict damage to your opponent's LP equal to the monster's level x100.

Serene Sin - Heaven's Crescent
(Spell Card)
Tribute one LIGHT monster to activate this card. Destroy all face down monsters on your opponents side of the field and remove them from play.

Ray Sin - Infernal Skull
(Spell Card)
Tribute one FIRE monster to activate this card. Inflict 1500 points of direct damage to your opponents LP + 100 for every card in their hand.

Celcius Sin - Aurora Frostbite Plunge
(Spell Card)
Tribute one WATER monster to activate this card. Decrease the ATK of all of your opponent's monsters by 800.

Gale Sin - Eternal Tempest
(Spell Card)
Tribute one WIND monster to activate this card. Return all cards on your opponent's side of the field to their owner's hands.

Gaea Sin - Petra Burst
(Spell Card)
Tribute one EARTH monster to activate this card. Destroy all monsters on the field with an DEF of 1500 or less and increase the ATK of all of your own monsters by 500.

phew... uber powerful or no? what do you think?

Those are very cool cards. Heh, very sinful indeed. Heh, an archfiend deck (with my creations as well as the regulars) could really use thses since there at least two of each attribute although I say it be prone towards Deep Sin. It, focusing on effect damage and all. One thing though. Some are a bit too powerful.

Chaos Sin is very close of CED. I think it merits a limit of two or one. Hell, in swarm decks its easy to have a LIght and dark monster on the field. And they're all Spells so its not like the opponent even has a chance to draw something to stop it like Crush card.

Deep Sin is nasty indeed. Have it only take out a face up opponent's monster.

Ray Sin should have a similar restriction to Death Meteor. If the opponent has fewer than 3000 (a sample number) LP than you can't use it.

Gale Sin needs something else. Giant Trunade can do the same and without discarding anything.

Gaea Sin is could like DDV. Either a limit of one or have it hindered or limited by something like it destroying monsters on the opponent's side of the field whose ATK or DEF is lower than the ATK or DEF of the discard monster.

Other than that, I really like the cards and their names. Sound like the cards a fiend deck would run.

EDIT: Disregard some of comments. For some reason I was thinking Discarding when I read Tribute. I changed the comments.
archfiendgeneral was referring to a cost..., not an effect, IMO, like discarding 1 card as well, or sumthin

you know, i thought of making some of them trap cards, but then that would make a few of them very powerful...

i would limit Chaos Sin, Serene Sin, Ray Sin, and Gaea Sin to 1 and the rest to 2, after changing Celcius and Ray to this:

Celcius: ...Destroy up to three spell and trap cards on the field.

Ray: ...This card cannot be activated if your opponent has 3000 LP or less.

thanks for the comments! But... where are YOUR cards? ::quizical look:: lol, i want to see some more archfiends... lol... (isnt Archfiend's Oath an Archfiend spell card?)
Steping aside from Archfiends for a bit, here's some cards for a monster people either hate or love.


Here's some of the rest of the family. Be my guest on making #5 and #6 if you want. I'm fresh out of ideas.

Effect: As long as this card remains face-up on the field, negate the effects of all monster cards that do not have 'Jinzo' in their name.

Estimated rarity by effect: Super Rare if not Ultra Rare (Its LV 7)
Limit: none
Notes: Machines are known for stopping traps or spells. How about one that stops other monsters effects?

Effect: The card effects of the controller of this card are unaffected by cards with 'Jinzo' in their name.

Estimated rarity by effect: Ultra Rare
Limit: 1
Notes: I think the effect is self-explanatory.

Jinzo #4
Dark/machine/4/ 0/2000
Effect: As long as this card remains face-up on the field, face-down cards cannot be flipped face-up except by the effect of a Spell Card or Effect Monster Card or in the case of monsters, battle.

Ruling: Monster Cards can be flipped face-up by all three conditions; not only battle.

Estimated rarity by effect: Super Rare
Limit: 2
Notes: This should really put a stop on face down quick play spells. Would have said said Traps too but Makyura been ban so I think it'll be pretty impossible to activate trap cards from the hand.

Effect: Tribute one face-up 'Jinzo'. Reveal all face down cards in both players hand and in their Spell/Trap Zone. Destroy all Trap Cards among. For three turns, discard any Trap Cards that are drawn.

Estimated rarity by effect: Super Rare
Limit: none
Notes: Like the name says, Jinzo overloads his ability. [Sniff] I'll miss him.

Psychic Blast
Spell, continuous
Effect: When a card with 'Jinzo' in its name destroys a Monster Card as a result of Battle, randomly select and discard one card from your opponent's hand.

Estimated rarity by effect: Rare
Limit: none

Agonizing Research
Effect: Pay 1000 Life points. Move one card that has 'Jinzo' in its name from your deck to your hand. The deck is then shuffled.

Estimated rarity by effect: Super Rare
Limit: none

Research Facility
Spell, Field
Effect: When a Monster Card with 'Jinzo' in its name is destroyed as a result of battle, that player may draw cards equal to the level of the destroyed monster divided by two (Round down for odd numbers except 1. Round up for 1).

Estimated rarity by effect: Ultra Rare
Limit: 2
Notes: Like what happens in any experiment. You run it, get info from the results and gets more resources to repeat it and improve upon it.

Jinzo's Armor
Spell, Equip
Effect: A monster equipped with this card cannot be destroyed by targeting card effects. When this card is destroyed or removed from the field, destroy the equipped monster.

Estimated rarity by effect: Rare
Limit: none
Notes: This a play from the Jinzo in the anime. You know, the one that somehow survived Time Wizard's ability.

A Professor's Dream
Effect: As long as this card remains face-up on the field. increase the ATK and DEF of Monster Cards with 'Jinzo' in their name' by 500 points.
When 'Research Facility' is face-up on the field this card not be an attack target. In addition, you can pay 500 Life points to Special Summon 1 Monster card with 'Jinzo' in its name from your hand, deck or graveyard.
This effect can only be used once per turn. A Monster Card special summoned with this card's effect cannot attack that same turn.

Estimated rarity by effect: Rare or Super Rare
Limit: none
Notes: Sorry about picking a rather uncreative name but couldn't really come up with something better. Its Jinzo's father/creator/whatever you go by when it come to machines. Think of him as you would of Dr. Frankenstein who wanted to ressurrect the dead.
Wow. That's a lot of Jinzo-type cards.

Here's some Casual Play stuff I came up with:

Quickplay Spell
You can reveal this card to your opponent during the End Phase of his or her turn if you can prove you are being totally owned. Send this card to your graveyard, search your deck for a card, shuffle your deck, and put the chosen card on top of your deck. When it's your turn, make a big dramatic production of drawing it, and proceed to beat your opponent in 1 turn. If you don't, you lose the game. The activation and effect of this card cannot be negated.

Mind Shuffle
Continuous Trap
When you activate this card, and once during each of your Standby Phases, you may rearrange the face-down monsters, Spells, and Traps on your side of the field in any order within their respective zones.

~~a tribute to Magic: the Gathering~~
Ignore if you don't get it.
Weenie Rush
Instant (Quickplay Spell)
Untap (switch into attack mode) all weenies (Lv 2 or lower monsters with less than 1000 ATK) on your side of the field. They all get +2000/+2000 (increase their ATK and DEF by 2000 points each) and trample (when they destroy a DEF position monster in battle, do Battle Damage to your opponent equal to the difference betweeen the attacking monster's ATK and the defending monster's DEF; if you don't know this, shame on you) until the end of the turn.
Proposed picture: a Magical Scientist wearing the UWS gauntlets leading charging Sheep/Goat Tokens into battle.
Maruno said:
Now watch me as I remake Exodia. That's right, Exodia. Much more powerful than those God cards you've heard about, and a fairly interesting concept while we're at it.

Exodia the Sealed Ultimate Might

Isn't it easier to just win if you already have the Exodia pieces?