Ultimate Hero - Shining Bloo Neos
Fusion / Effect
Light / Warrior / level 12
2500ATK / 1900DEF
"Destiny Hero Bloo D" + "Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman" + "Elemental Hero Neos"
This monster can only be summoned by a Fusion summon. Select 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field and equip it to this card (this effect can only be used once per turn and you can only equip 1 monster at a time to this card). Increase it's ATK and DEF of this card by the amount of the equipped monster and gain the additional card effect of the equipped monster effect to this card. If there are 5 or more Destiny Hero in your graveyard, you can negate the activation of a spell card and destroy it. If there are 5 or more Elemental Hero in your graveyard, you can negate the activation of a trap card and destroy it. If there are 10 or more Destiny Hero and/or Elemental Hero in your graveyard, all effects of effect monster of your opponent side of the field, graveyard, hand, removed from play, and deck are negated. You can unequip a monster card that is equipped to this card by this card effect and return it to your opponent side of the field to inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of the unequipped monster. (this effect can only be used once per turn and you cannot activate this effect the turn you equipped a monster card to this card.) If this card is destroyed while equipped with a monster card equipped by this card effect, the equipped monster is destroyed instead.