where did u hear this rumour from? i never heard it before, but if its true, thats great :D i'll make my dream harpy deck then ;)
seriously, anyone heard anything abt this? i've always wanted to make a harpy deck but was put off by the rulings..
have you considered morphing jar for other discarding? also, you might use giant trunade to further increase amt of cards in opponent's hands. Another burn card that's very useful besides restructer revolution and secret barrel is des koala. it's even better when comboed with tsukuyumi or book...
When there are only face-up monsters with ATK 1600 or more on your opponent's side of the field, this monster can attack your opponent's Life points directly.
Well at first I thought this was a great card... until I realised any facedown monster or S/T would render it rather useless.. urk..
alright, can someone clear up doubts pls. so if my opponent declares atk with his lily, do i activate my mirror wall upon attack or can i do so when he declares he wants to pump up.. also, what abt an existing mirror wall. lily's effect will still be overridden my the mirror wall or not?
yeah.. *jealous* :cry:
haha i was actually thinking of buying a box of db1.. but i don't know.. doesn't seem that the rare cards are that easy to get :x
maybe i'll just buy a few packs of db1, ast and dcr
i added cannon soldier to my burn deck too and never regretted it. one thing is i have 3 princess of tsurugi and 2 des koala and several other flip effects.. now they're totally useless after their flip effect is gone, so AHA! another 500 damage to the opponent :evil:
actually i've seen it used quite well in a sphinx/pyramid of light deck.. with the amount of sphinx the deck had.. he might draw a sphinx too many times and that's where Lighten the load comes in handy
thanks :lol:
haha that's great then... i used to think the effect was for both players, and that it was limited to our own main phase 1 and main phase 2... so.. time to put it in :evil:
let me see if i can get this straight...
so ultimate offering effect
1) can only be used by me. even in my opponent's own main phase he can not use the effect to pay 500 and summon again?
2) can be used in my main phase 1, main phase 2 and opponent's battle phase (something like call of haunted...
does this mean that as long as any creature is summoned and trap hole/bottomless/torrential tribute is used to destroy it, it's effect still can be used? what about monsters like levia etc.
correct me if i'm wrong, but what i think densetsu_x meant is
Tailor of the Fickle
Select 1 equipped Equip Card and switch it to another correct target. (Note the word equipped here)
Fairy's Hand Mirror
Switch the opponent's Spell Card effect that designates 1 monster as a target to another...
i'm not sure whether TER's effect resolves or not, but it wouldnt send your breaker to the grave either way. it's effect is only IF TER is destroyed as a result of battle. ring of destruction wouldnt activate the effect, so your question only whether you guys take damage or not :-D
is that a ruling? because the way i see it, the fairy hand mirror states "Switch the opponent's Spell Card effect that specifically designates 1 monster as a target to another correctly targeted monster. " nothing said abt countering.. an equip card on the field still has an effect that...
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