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  1. D

    Solemn Judgment vs Ritual Summons

    Yes, to the owner of Share the Pain, but for the opponent, it met what DaGuyWitBluGlasses was pointing out - "Let's point out for emphasis, that Rituals, as far as I know, are the only case of a Tribute not being a cost, but part of an effect resolution."
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    Macro Cosmos and Grand Convergence

    Ok then, you chained a card to MC, that destroys it, I can still chain My GC to it, and it will resolve fully.
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    Macro Cosmos and Grand Convergence

    Er...if you played MC, someone chains an MST/Dust and you chain to that GC, then GC will still work, its activation requirement is only for MC to be face-up on the field, thats it, if MC is destroyed somewhere along the line, GC will still fully work, as long as GC was in that chain.
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    Macro Cosmos and Grand Convergence

    I don't see where the confusion is for some people. You decide to activate your face-down Macro Cosmos in response to a card your opponent has played, so you chain MC, flipping the card face-up, now you got a face-down Grand Convergence, and you want to activate it as well, and look, there is...
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    What's the difference between American and European cards?

    The reason they probably don't allow it, is that they'll make more money this way, than by being FAIR, and allowing it.
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    Shrink / SJC prize comments thread #2

    I would prefer cards that actually have some worth in gameplaying as TP/Promo's/etc rather than being a SJC card, we finally get Shrink which EVERYONE wanted, an awesome card that would be used a lot, used in so many combo's and helping many decks out and now, only a lucky few can have it, while...
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    Finally... [an OFFICIAL priority statement!]

    Just thought I mention this, it seems that the next Structure Deck, SD7 - Which is a Dinosaur themed deck, has an updated Rules book, and as shown on Pojo, it has something interesting in it that was never in a rule book before, an explaination on Priority...
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    Wow ... SJC-EN003 is ... Shrink

    Would Gravekeepers count? I've been playing them for a long time now, maybe a year or more. I used to run CC, then I got bored seeing the same thing, discovered the awesomeness of GK's and played them, taking down all the CC decks ran at my local tournament. I've played them twice at regional...
  9. D

    IRS + Necrovalley

    So that would mean that you get monsters, and your opponent doesn't basically, rather than Necrovalley negating the entire effect right from the start. It's a good point to make, but we'll have to wait and see whether its the right ruling or not (but I do hope it is).
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    IRS + Necrovalley

    This question has been asked on Pojo Q&A board, and after browsing the posts, I came across one that quoted a Judge list message. If there is Necrovalley on the field, can a player active "Inferno Reckless Summon"? I don't know if Infernal Reckless Summon target the Graveyard because you can...
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    Level Limit Area A - Lockdown or no?

    Well, now its Level Limit A's turn :P ----------------------------------------------- Greetings, The two level limits have very similar text, but a slight difference in that LLAA indicates that the monsters "remain" in attack position. LLAB has a ruling that "All Level 4 or higher...
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    last will and errata

    Just needing some clarification. Would it be possible to activate Last Will in Main Phase 1, and then somehow send my monster to my grave, and then use the effect of Last Will later on in my turn, say the Battle Phase or Main Phase 2?
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    last will and errata

    Strangely, I just received this e-mail, guess who sent it :P ---------------------------------------------- As some of you may be aware, Tournament Pack 7 contained a revised wording for the card "Last Will". The new text (as listed on the errata page) is as follows: "If a monster on...
  14. D

    WHICH is IT!?!?!

    Gravekeepers are my favourite set of cards, I love playing my GK deck, because I feel like Yugi and his Dark Magician, before every duel, I always think to myself "Ok guys, lets rock!"
  15. D

    Cheap Thrills

    My Cheap Thrill of Yu-Gi-Oh! is getting cards that I really like, not because they are worth a lot, or very good in tournament play, but because I like them a lot and just want them, I'm usually stuck thinking about getting a card or two from people, then thinking "Do I really want to trade away...
  16. D

    Blockman and Skill Drain?

    Just remember though, that until an official ruling or errerta (sp) is released, stating that Blockman's effect only counts your turns, you play the card as it saids, and count every turn, yours and your opponents. Metagame got it right, as far as the card text goes.
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    Karma Cut!!!

    It has a ruling that states that it can be used in the Damage Step, Karma Cut does not.
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    Smashing Ground question

    "Since EVERYONE knows that Fissure and Smashing Ground target" But they don't target, they never did target, and they never will. When you play Fissure/Smashing Ground/Hammer Shot, are you, to put it basically, pointing to a monster on your opponent's field and saying "I choose you...
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    You Know Your Broke When ...

    Your not as broke as I have been, with a current balance of.... £0, for the past year, until now (woot - £24.75)
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    A little Dark World history lesson...

    They're trying to hide something... Dark Blade They say he is a dragon manipulating warrior from the Dark World. His attack is tremendous, using his great swords with vicious power.